Paes on suspension of Bruno Mars shows in Rio: “this is not mother Joana’s house”

Paes on suspension of Bruno Mars shows in Rio: “this is not mother Joana’s house”
Paes on suspension of Bruno Mars shows in Rio: “this is not mother Joana’s house”

This Thursday morning (9), the two presentations of Bruno Mars at the Rio de Janeiro they were suspended after Rio de Janeiro’s city hall say that authorization was not given for the shows, scheduled for the eve of the municipal elections, on the 4th and 5th of October.

According to the city hall, the municipal elections that take place on October 6th require, days before, a “large mobilization” of public agents to carry them out.

Through social media, the city’s mayor, Eduardo Paessaid that Rio de Janeiro has the “potential” to host major events, but that the date planned by the show’s production will not be viable.

“It’s good for the city, it’s good for the economy, for the population and for workers and businesspeople too. And everyone knows that I am the first to make a point of encouraging, providing support and all the strength to receive this”, begins the mayor.

And he continues: “Now, you’ll excuse my expression, but this isn’t ‘Mother Joana’s house’ and it’s no man’s land. Rio has order, it has a government, it has rulers and most importantly, it has responsibility towards the population”.

“When I informed the producers of the Bruno Mars show that we would not be able to host the show on the date that was presented, I made it clear that it was because of the election, which was where the security contingent was fully understood”, he explains.

Eduardo Paes also used the video to detail how the mobilization of the municipality’s security agents works. “The duty schedule of both the Municipal Guard and the Military Police are changed because we need a larger contingent on the streets on Sunday. There needs to be more agents monitoring election sessions before and after the elections.”

“Here we like to party, we like to celebrate life, we like to have fun, to welcome artists, but here there is order and respect for the law. Therefore, the warning is given, the day before, on the eve of the election, in the week of the election, given the conditions, it is impossible to guarantee that tens of thousands of people travel at night in the early hours of the morning to Engenhão (Nilton Santos Stadium)”, he concludes. the mayor.

At the end of the recording, he takes the opportunity to leave an “invitation” for Bruno Mars: “Come and do one, two, three big shows here in Rio de Janeiro, as you have done on other occasions, but on another date so that everything happens in perfect tranquility. , peace, as we have shown Brazil, the world, that Rio de Janeiro is capable. Come on, Bruno Mars, let’s fix this date.”

