Montenegro reflects on European funds: “We didn’t make the most of it” | European Union

Montenegro reflects on European funds: “We didn’t make the most of it” | European Union
Montenegro reflects on European funds: “We didn’t make the most of it” | European Union

On the day that Europe is celebrated and that the Democratic Alliance and PS will present their programs for the European elections, the prime minister criticized the execution of European funds and lifted the veil on what his party’s strategy should be for the elections on June 9th. Although he recognizes the country’s growth since joining the European Union, Luís Montenegro states that it is necessary to make “a very judicious use of funds [europeus] available [do país]”. And asked for the ability to make a self-criticism to recognize: We didn’t take enough advantage [os fundos]. “Dwe should have better results today compared to the support we have had in recent years”, said the Prime Minister.

At the opening of the conference Europe, which future?which is part of the RTP/Civil Society conference cycle and which takes place this Thursday at the Centro Cultural de Belém (the same place where AD will present, at the end of the afternoon, its electoral manifesto for the Europeans), the first -minister also highlighted the evolution of GDP per capita since Portugal’s accession to the then European Economic Community, when GDP was 58% of the European average, and today it is 75%.

He highlighted that the closest approximation was made until the year 2000, when it reached 71%. What does it mean that the rhythm approach in the first 15 years it was brutal and the pace of the next 25 years was practically stagnationhe lamented.

Therefore, Montenegro asks the country to put itself on the front line. We really have to set ourselves as a national objective to stop being a country of cohesion, we have to have as an ambition for Portugal to be a net contributor to the European Union and to be in solidarity with those who come to the European Unionhe said, referring to the upcoming enlargement to new member states.

The alternative will be to immortalize a situation of dependence and be always waiting for helpa position also criticized precisely by the head of the Democratic Alliance list, Sebastião Bugalho, who, when presenting his candidacy, said that Europe could not be seen “as an ATM”.

A country that invests strategically and not thinking about the immediate effect, as sometimes happens, in which we have to spend the money, if we are not going to lose it: this is not the mentality of someone who wants to be at the forefronthe said, using the expression used by the former social-democratic prime minister and former President of the Republic Aníbal Cavaco Silva.

In a speech based on the idea that we are as Portuguese as we are European”, Montenegro praised the single market for people and goods what allows us to have a horizon that does not end at the borders of our country.

One month before the elections, Montenegro recalled that there are many realities that come into our daily lives that come from decisions taken by European Union bodiesfrom the expression of consumer rights to the most varied social rights, exemplified. Until the roaming which made communication difficult a few years ago is a European achievement and which today makes life easier for people and companieshe highlighted.

This freedom of movement and proximity that we have achieved is the identity root of the European Unionadded Montenegro.

The Prime Minister also called for the mobilization of voters to elect representatives of the European Parliament, announcing that, like the President of the Republic, he will also vote in advance to set an example.”

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Montenegro reflects European funds didnt European Union

