10 Powerful Prayers to Achieve Urgent Graces


In moments of desperation or immediate need, many people turn to the power of prayer. Discover ten prayers considered powerful by different religious traditions to achieve urgent graces.

The practice of prayer as a means of communicating and asking spiritual powers is a constant in human history. Across cultures and religions, finding words to express one’s deepest desires in times of great need is a common practice. This article explores ten prayers that are often resorted to to seek quick interventions and urgent graces.

Diversity of Religious Traditions

Each religious tradition has its own special prayers, some intended for urgent situations. Here, we present a selection that spans a range of faiths, offering an overview of how different faiths approach asking for divine assistance.

Prayer to Saint Jude Thaddeus

Known as the saint of impossible causes, Saint Jude Thaddeus is often invoked when all else fails. The prayer to Saint Jude is requested with faith by those facing desperate situations.

Prayer to Our Lady of Untying

This Catholic prayer seeks the intercession of the Virgin Mary to resolve complicated and urgent situations, asking her to “untie” the knots in life that cause suffering.

How to Practice Prayers

For a prayer to be effective, it is important that it is said with a sincere heart and a focused mind. Prayer is not just the recitation of words, but an intimate dialogue with the divine. Here are some steps to make your practice more meaningful:

  1. Choose a quiet place: Find a space where you can be quiet to focus your mind and heart on what you want to ask for.
  2. Speak sincerely: Express your truest feelings and thoughts, as if you were talking to a close friend.
  3. Repeat often: Repetition is a common key in many spiritual traditions as it is believed to reinforce intention and request.

Other Prayers Included in the List

Our Father Prayer

Although it is one of the best-known prayers in Christianity, the Lord’s Prayer is also a powerful plea for help, forgiveness and protection from evil.

Prayer to Saint Expedito

For those who need quick results, Santo Expedito is the patron saint of urgent causes. His prayer is direct and seeks immediate action.

Islamic Prayer of Supplication

In Islam, supplications (dua) are personal prayers where the faithful express their needs directly to Allah, fervently asking for His graces.


Resorting to prayer in times of need is an ancient practice that spans generations and cultures. The prayers listed here are just examples of how people seek comfort and solutions in their faith. Remember that, in addition to faith, practical action towards your goals is also fundamental.

The article is in Portuguese

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