Drought worries and ranchers go to negotiations to ‘hold down’ the price of cattle | Ox

Drought worries and ranchers go to negotiations to ‘hold down’ the price of cattle | Ox
Drought worries and ranchers go to negotiations to ‘hold down’ the price of cattle | Ox

Worried about the drought that could affect pastures and trying to take advantage of the still firm market for beef, cattle ranchers appeared more in negotiations last Friday (26/4). According to the consultancy Agrifatto, some markets have increased in value and reflect the commercialization of live cattle.

This is the case of Mato Grosso, which recorded the highest appreciation, estimated at 1.84% in the weekly comparison and the beef price closed the week at R$ 218.28. On B3, contracts due in May advanced, with an increase of 0.34%, to R$232.70 per arroba. Futures for October, however, increased by just 0.14%, operating at R$244.65.

On the other hand, the wholesale beef market faced a week of “cold water”, according to the specialized consultancy. The proximity of Mother’s Day, for example, generated expectations that prices for meat on the bone would increase, but the week ended with castrated cattle at R$ 15.50/kg, without variations.

The greater supply of meat since last Wednesday led to leftovers and the devaluation of products.



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