13th Salary has already been added to the account! INSS releases first installment for Retirees

13th Salary has already been added to the account! INSS releases first installment for Retirees
13th Salary has already been added to the account! INSS releases first installment for Retirees

Beneficiaries of the National Social Security Institute (INSS) begin receiving the first installment of their 13th salary. This measure positively impacts the economy and the well-being of millions of retirees and pensioners across the country.

Who will receive the first installment of the 13th INSS salary?

The payment schedule is initially aimed at those earning above the minimum wage. Specifically, deposits begin on May 2nd, along with regular monthly payments and continue until May 8th, following the final number of each CPF.

How important is this advance for INSS beneficiaries?

Anticipation is a substantial help, especially in uncertain economic periods. This help is essential to cover immediate expenses and can positively influence the local economy. With the second installment expected to be paid between the end of May and the beginning of June, expectations are for significant relief in the finances of retirees and pensioners.

How can I check payment details for Retirees?

To check the dates and amounts to be received, beneficiaries can access the Meu INSS system. The platform offers all the necessary information in an accurate and secure manner, both via the website and via a smartphone app. Furthermore, for those without internet access, the INSS provides telephone service 135, which operates from Monday to Saturday, from 7am to 10pm.

Detailed Payment Schedule

  • Payments for those earning below 1 minimum wage:
    • From January 25th to February 7th, for beneficiaries with a card ending in 1.
    • From February 23rd to March 7th, for beneficiaries with a card ending in 2.
  • Payments for those earning above 1 minimum wage:
    • From February 1st to 7th, for beneficiaries with a card ending in 1.
    • From March 1st to March 7th, for beneficiaries with a card ending in 2.

For those who receive up to the minimum wage, payments will continue starting in April, concluding on May 8, following a daily schedule specified for each final card number.

Impact of the 13th Advance on the National Economic Scenario

The advance of the 13th salary for INSS beneficiaries goes beyond a simple financial transaction, presenting itself as a necessary refreshment in the budget of millions of Brazilians. Carefully planned and executed, this payment not only provides personal financial security but also economically boosts several regions of Brazil.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: #13th Salary added account INSS releases installment Retirees

