Dollar rises and reaches R$ 5.15 with division in the Copom raising concern

Dollar rises and reaches R$ 5.15 with division in the Copom raising concern
Dollar rises and reaches R$ 5.15 with division in the Copom raising concern

From the newsroom with Reutersi From the newsroom with Reuters

05/09/2024 – 9:47

The dollar jumped around 1% at the opening of this Thursday, 9th, after a very divided decision due to the slowdown in the rate of Selic cuts the day before raised concerns about changes in the profile of the collegiate, with the Monetary Policy Committee (Copom) also highlighting in its statement very uncertain international and domestic scenarios.

At 9:08 am, the spot dollar rose 1.01%, to R$5.1427 on sale. On B3, the first-month dollar futures contract jumped 1.04%, to R$5.1495. See quotes.

+ Copom decision exposes BC division and divergence of directors appointed by Lula

+ With Selic at 10.50%, what are the yields on savings, Tesouro Direto and CDB?

The day before, the dollar in cash closed the day at R$5.0914 on sale, up 0.46%.

The Central Bank decided to reduce the pace of monetary easing by making a 0.25 percentage point cut in the Selic rate, to 10.50% per year, with divergence from directors appointed by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, and abandoned its recommendation on the future of basic interest rates.

According to the statement, the decision was supported by president Roberto Campos Neto and directors Carolina Barros, Diogo Guillen, Otávio Damaso and Renato Gomes. Nominated by Lula, Ailton de Aquino, Gabriel Galípolo, Paulo Picchetti and Rodrigo Teixeira voted for a larger reduction, of 0.50 percentage points.

“Two hypotheses are raised after the decision: the first concerns an early transition between governments, which we should see towards the end of the year; The second is the most serious and raises questions about how technical the Copom’s decision is, a body that should be strictly technical”, said Étore Sanchez, from Ativa Investimentos, in a note to clients.

Even with the new cut, Brazil remains in 2nd place in the world ranking of real interest rates, below only Russia, according to a survey by Infinity Asset Management of the 40 most relevant countries in the global fixed income market.

In nominal terms, the country is in 6th place, below Argentina, Turkey, Russia, Colombia and Mexico and above South Africa, Hungary and Chile.

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The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Dollar rises reaches division Copom raising concern



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