After death of recruit, lawyers ask for removal of Army commander – Cities


Group ‘Jurists for Democracy-MS’ requested that the OAB/MS carry out a “correct investigation” of the case

Document from the group ‘Jurists for Democracy-MS’ signed at OAB/MS. (Photo: Clara Farias)

The request for help from the mothers of recruits from the 10th Mechanized Cavalry Regiment, in Bela Vista (MS), reached the OAB/MS (Brazilian Bar Association Campo Grande Section) building. This Thursday morning (09), lawyers from the group ‘Jurists for Democracy-MS’ filed a request to remove the commander responsible for the regiment.

The request for removal was made due to the death of recruit Vinícius Ibañez Riquelme, aged 19. The soldier’s death caused mothers of other recruits in the unit to seek out groups of lawyers to denounce torture practices in the Army unit.

In Campo Grande, lawyer Giselle Marques presented the document that also requests “necessary actions for the efficient and correct investigation” into the cause of the young man’s death. She comments that the presence of the commander in the Army in the 10th Mechanized Cavalry Regiment has left mothers distressed.

Lawyer Giselle Marques formalized her request for removal this Thursday (09). (Photo: Clara Farias)

“He [o comandante] remains in office and opens a loophole so that the investigation that is taking place there can be contaminated. The mothers of the soldiers who continue to work there are distressed, they are afraid that their children may be victims of mistreatment,” she says.

Member of ‘Jurists for Democracy-MS’, Giselle Marques requested the presence of OAB/MS representatives in the municipality to check the situation. In the document, the lawyer describes the images of Vinícius Ibañez Riquelme’s body and the mothers’ reports as “appalling”.

The document filed with the OAB/MS denounces that other soldiers may have lifelong consequences. Read the following excerpt:

“It is unacceptable for families to send their children to serve the country, and receive back injured, traumatized, and lifelong injured young people from a war that has been fought within the scope of the 10th Mechanized Cavalry Regiment of Bela Vista – Mato Grosso of the South, in which there is a complete disparity in weapons. Therefore, this is the time to request the personal commitment of this presidency in rigorously investigating the facts.”

Lawyer Lairson Palermo, who reinforced the removal protocol with the lawyer, assured that the intention is not to harm the Army. “Our interest is precisely to preserve the Armed Forces from these facts that denigrate the image of the Army, and so that they can remove this commander”, he highlights.

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The article is in Portuguese

Tags: death recruit lawyers removal Army commander Cities



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