Here comes the Ouro Preto Gastronomic Circuit; commercial establishments can register

Here comes the Ouro Preto Gastronomic Circuit; commercial establishments can register
Here comes the Ouro Preto Gastronomic Circuit; commercial establishments can register

With the aim of promoting experience tourism based on Ouro Preto cuisine, Ouro Preto City Hall has just launched the Circuito Gastronomico project, a gastronomic corridor so that participants, whether tourists or residents, can feel welcomed and have the opportunity to enjoy Ouro Preto cuisine and culture.

During the Circuit, participants will enjoy a cultural attraction (music, theater play) and will then be taken to gastronomic experiences in bars and restaurants in the city, a program that should move the service chain in the city.

The pilot project will work as follows: the groups will meet at the Ouro Preto Opera House to watch a performance and, once the cultural intervention is complete, the participants, divided into two groups, will go to the bars registered in the project. Afterwards, the groups will continue to consume the menu defined for the Gastronomic Circuit and will then be taken to the restaurants registered in the project.

It is important to emphasize that the participant will not have to purchase or consume any product during the circuit. The package will include, free of charge, entry to the Opera House, transport and entertainment, leaving the participant free to consume or not within the bars and restaurants and make direct payment to the establishments.

Public call for bars and restaurants

On May 6th, Ouro Preto City Hall published a public call for the selection of commercial establishments (bars and restaurants), in the varied menus for eventual and future calls, to serve the public during the Ouro Preto gastronomic circuit.

Registration will take place in person from May 6, 2024 to May 16, 2024, from 9 am to 5 pm, at the headquarters of the Secretariat of Culture and Tourism of Ouro Preto, in the Department of Tourism. Interested parties must fill out the registration form, available at this link and also at the headquarters of the Secretariat of Culture and Tourism. The call will take place according to the needs, planned and programmed goals, profile of those accredited corresponding to the events promoted and supported by the Municipality of Ouro Preto.

The rules and complete notice for participation are available at this link:

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Ouro Preto Gastronomic Circuit commercial establishments register

