Coffee prices in Vietnam plummet followed by London market


Darren Whiteside

Vietnam’s coffee plants are bearing small fruits

Coffee prices in Vietnam have fallen sharply this week following a drop in global prices, traders said on Thursday (9).

Farmers in the Central Highlands, Vietnam’s largest coffee-growing area, were selling beans for 94,000 to 97,000 dong ($3.74 to $3.81) per kilogram, versus a range of 132,500 dong to 133.2 dong from last week.

Robusta coffee traded on the ICE exchange in London fell 7.2% compared to last week.

“Prices have fallen significantly since the end of last week following a sharp drop at the London terminal as long position holders liquidated their positions,” said a coffee belt trader.

Vietnam’s coffee plants are bearing small fruits, but traders said it is too early to make an accurate forecast of 2024/25 production.

“Rain has increased in the region in recent days, but we still have to wait until the end of this month to get an idea of ​​the next harvest,” said the trader.

Traders offered coffee at a premium of US$500 (R$2,500) to US$600 (R$3,000) per ton over London stock prices, falling from the recent premium of around US$1,000.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Coffee prices Vietnam plummet London market

