Photo of food contributed to the murder of Miss Ecuador; understand

Photo of food contributed to the murder of Miss Ecuador; understand
Photo of food contributed to the murder of Miss Ecuador; understand
Photo: Reproduction/Instagram

The image would have helped the killers find Miss Ecuador

On April 28, Landy Párraga was murdered in a restaurant in the city of Quevedo, in Quito. The former Miss Ecuador published a photo of a dish of ceviche that would have “delivered” her death to the hired killers. On security cameras, it is possible to see that the former model was attacked shortly after getting up to leave the establishment.

According to the Telegraph website, Landy Párraga contributed to the killers’ work after publishing an image of the dish on Instagram Stories. The appearance of the meal and the restaurant’s logo gave away its exact location. Minutes after making the post, the former Miss Ecuador was surprised by two men, who shot her and ran away. The former model succumbed to the injuries caused by the three gunshots and died shortly afterwards.

Landy Párraga’s name was involved in an investigation into links between organized crime and members of the country’s government. The same was mentioned in a conversation between the late drug dealer Leandro Norero and his accountant, who highlighted that he had spent US$300,000 to cover up any evidence of his romance with the model: “If my wife finds out anything about her, I’m screwed.”

According to investigation reports, photos and evidence of the luxurious gifts he gave her, including apartments and cars, were found. Leandro Norero was murdered in jail six months after being arrested.

*Text by Júlia Wasko

Júlia Wasko is a Journalism student and enchanted by news, entertainment and communication. Follow Júlia Wasko on Instagram: @juwasko

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The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Photo food contributed murder Ecuador understand

