Civil Police arrest three and solve a macabre murder


Gang killed enemy with cruelty in Jacarezinho

On May 5th (Sunday), at around 6:20 am, on Rua Joaquim Antônio Graciano, Vila Prestes, in Jacarezinho, a brutal murder occurred, victimizing Diego Fernando da Silva, 32 years old, found dead in his home with his face deeply injured by blows inflicted by blunt instrument. The body was located by a neighbor, who called SAMU, but the victim was already dead at the time of assistance.
No one witnessed the events and there were no security cameras on site to assist the investigations.
Action by judicial police agents from the 12th Police Subdivision, led by the Deputy Chief of Jacarezinho, Tristão Borborema, resulted in several field investigations and, using conventional investigation techniques and means, identified the trio responsible for the murder and uncovered their motivation.
Three men aged 26, 49 and 41 were arrested (Photograph) and forwarded to Deppen.
According to the Civil Police, the victim had an argument, in the early hours of Sunday, with his ex-wife and neighbors who intervened in the case. One of them contacted a relative of the woman who, on the spot, devised the plan and summoned two more accomplices.
The room was broken into and the victim was probably shot while he was sleeping.

There were several blows that hit his head, resulting in legal success. The marks of extreme violence shocked onlookers and neighbors who were at the scene.
The Civil Police informs that all homicides that occurred in Jacarezinho in 2024, although reported without authorship, were solved by the investigation team and those responsible were arrested, demonstrating the corporation’s professionalism and commitment to resolving serious cases that cause panic and fear in the community.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Civil Police arrest solve macabre murder

