Catarina Miranda’s mother ‘points out failure’ in production after competitor’s injury: “Nobody contacted me”


Catarina Miranda’s mother reveals Big Brother production flaws after her daughter was injured.

Catarina Miranda He injured his leg a few weeks ago after kicking a table. The competitor’s mother, Carla Miranda, told the TV7 Dias, that the production did not contact her to give her news about her daughter’s health and that she had to get in touch with them.

“I was the one who contacted the production team to find out how she was doing. They told me that they were waiting for a nurse, that I was going to be seen and then at the end they told me that it was just hurt. But I was the one who had the initiative to call. Afterwards, they never said anything to me again.”, said Carla Miranda.

The competitor’s mother also expressed concern about another of her daughter’s problems, with which the production has not been sensitive: “It’s like in my eyes, no one contacted me, or what she could or couldn’t take. She has it many times, and in her hands too. On your hands it’s detergents and so on.”

Read too:

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Catarina Mirandas mother points failure production competitors injury contacted

