Exclusive. Unpublished photos from the 30th anniversary of Nelson Mandela’s inauguration as president of South Africa


An example of leadership, respect and the search for bridges with those who think differently than us, made even more precious and urgent, in an era of growing global tension and intolerance for divergent thinking.

“People increasingly confine themselves nowadays into tribes shouting at each other, from autistic positions, without making the slightest effort to build bridges and even less to try to put themselves in the place of their opponents”highlights António Mateus, highlighting the contrast between this stance and Mandela’s.

In a context of much cruder and more extreme divisions, Madiba tried to understand his enemies and understand the world from their perspective. And no one posed a greater danger than Viljoen.

In the first set of records, Mandela already receives as president, in November 1995, the leader of the conservative right-wing party Volksfront, with whom he fought at the last minute an attempted coup d’état before the first multiracial elections in the countryon April 27, 1994.


General Constand Viljoen, who commanded the South African military invasion of Angola on the ground in the late 1970s, would end up being “seduced” by Mandela’s successive efforts and guarantees that the troubled transitions of neighboring countries would not occur. in South Africa and that all communities would be respected and have a place in the country’s future.

In a context of divisions that are much more raw and extreme than those we face today, Madiba tried to understand his enemies and understand the world from their perspective. And no one posed a greater danger than Viljoen..

By investing in dialogue, patience and, above all, respect, he mobilized the general from resorting to war to peace, transforming a bitter rival into a loyal ally, for a shared national cause.

The second set of photos relates to one of the most serious moments that marked the last years of the government of the last white president, Frederik de Klerk, the so-called Boipatong massacresouth of Johannesburg, on the night of June 17, 1992.



The circumstances of the violent deaths of 38 residents of this black town, in their respective homes, with alleged involvement of pro-apartheidled Mandela to declare to journalists (the moment this set of photos relates to) that they were no longer “dealing with human beings but with animals”.

What constituted the most serious bloody incident since Mandela’s release, would mark a decisive turning point in the process of eradicating the apartheid.

After three years of multi-party negotiations, with advances and setbacks, an agreement was reached (which the third group of photos refers to) to hold the first multiracial elections, on April 27, 1994and which would be contested by 19 political organizations, including LUSAP (Portuguese-South African Party).


The fourth and final record is completed by two photographs collected during an Easter ceremony at the Zionist church in the town of Moria, in which Frederik de Klerk, Nelson Mandela and the leader of the Inkatha Freedom Party, Zulu prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi, participated.


Accreditations for coverage of the country’s first multiracial elections and for Mandela’s inauguration as the first black president of South Africa.


Photographs: António Mateus – RTP

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Exclusive Unpublished photos #30th anniversary Nelson Mandelas inauguration president South Africa

