You have to meet Mercedes’ future “employees”: they are robots!

You have to meet Mercedes’ future “employees”: they are robots!
You have to meet Mercedes’ future “employees”: they are robots!

You might associate Mercedes-Benz with cars, however the brand has also been working hard on humanoid robots. As The Verge states, these are used to carry out human work that does not require great qualifications, but which requires a lot of physical strength.

The announcement was made by Apptronik. The robotics company in question stated that it had established an agreement with Mercedes, in relation to the Apollo test: Apptronik’s bipedal robot, which can be used in manufacturing.

Having said that, how can the robot be useful in practice? According to the same source of information, it may have the ability to inspect and deliver objects to human workers, on any production line.

Robots are designed for more physically demanding tasks

Image of Robot Apollo (via Apptronik)

Although information is not known about how many robots are being tested, these humanoids would make it easier to perform physically demanding jobs. Apptronik even alludes to current times, in which it is “difficult to find reliable workers” to carry out these types of “repetitive and boring” tasks (via The Verge).

Another report, this time issued by the Financial Times, states that Mercedes began testing these humanoid robots in a Hungarian factory. Apparently, Hungary has had problems arising from the shortage of labor in these areas. So much so that around 8 years ago, in 2016, Audi and Mercedes expressed concern about this shortage.

According to Mercedes’ head of production, Jörg Burzer, one of the brand’s priorities is to understand the true potential of robotics in this type of work, where labor is lacking. In this way, with humanoids playing their role, the freedom of other professionals on the team would be greater to develop highly advanced technologies.

The “Apollo” is around 1.85 meters tall and can carry approximately 25 kilos

About the humanoid Apollo, it is known that it measures around one meter eighty-five, and also has the ability to lift weights of up to around 25 kilos. As The Verge states, Apollo’s shape is not very different from other similar robots, such as Optimus (Tesla), or Figure 01, which BMW is testing.

It is also important to note that Apollo is designed to work specifically in an industrial context. In light of what is reported by BitPerfect, it is a robot with a friendly and safe design to work in teams with humans.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: meet Mercedes future employees robots

