Simple tips to eat less sugar (and lose belly fat)


IUnfortunately, on average, each person ingests around 22 teaspoons – or 88 grams – of added sugars per day, that is, four times the limit, warns David Zinczenko, nutrition expert and author of the book ‘Zero Sugar Diet’, at BestLife. But, fortunately, there are multiple ways to avoid sugar without making sacrifices. Get to know some.

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Simple tips for eating less sugar (and losing belly fat):

  • Read food labels carefully. It’s simple, “learning to identify the different names of sugar can help you avoid inadvertent consumption”, he explains;
  • Eat fruit instead of drinking fruit juice. Whole fruits contain “natural sugars, as well as fiber, which help slow sugar absorption, reducing blood glucose spikes.” Fruit juices, on the other hand, “have no fiber and can cause rapid sugar spikes similar to those caused by sugary soft drinks”, he adds;
  • Plan your meals. This can help you “avoid last-minute choices that tend to be more sugary”;
  • Use natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup. You should, however, use them in moderation because they are capable of affecting blood sugar levels.

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Tags: Simple tips eat sugar lose belly fat

