Former producer claims that businesswoman kept jewelry

Former producer claims that businesswoman kept jewelry
Former producer claims that businesswoman kept jewelry

I’m going to debunk Wilma’s lie that there are no jewels. That it was all ‘borrowed’. I will prove that she does, indeed, have jewelry in her possession and that it is Gabriel’s right, the only and legitimate heir. Gabriel Fischmann, on Instagram

Wilma denied that Gal had left a fortune as an inheritance, in an interview with Fantástico (Globo), and said that the jewelry worn by the artist was borrowed. “I know it’s not small [a dívida]. The inheritance is small. There are no big things. They say Gal had a fortune, but he didn’t. I lived with her.”

Sought by Splash, the businesswoman’s defense stated that the producer will have to prove the statements. “We are waiting for him to prove all the accusations he has made, under penalty of civil and criminal liability for this”, said lawyer Vanessa Bispo.

What Gabriel’s defense says

Defense of Gabriel, Gal’s son, told the report that the singer left a mansion in São Paulo, works of art, two luxury cars, jewelry and financial resources in bank accounts in Brazil and abroad. The boy is represented by lawyers Luci Vieira Nunes and Mariana Athayde.

Values ​​of the assets have not yet been determined. “I know about some of my mother’s items. Some properties. I don’t know yet, but I’m going to find out about the properties that my mother had, or maybe no longer has. I’m still going to find out. I’m still going to go deeper into this subject. To find out what happened”, said the boy, in an interview with Fantástico.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: producer claims businesswoman jewelry

