Daughter of Ana Maria Braga, Mariana Maffeis rejects the labels of ‘anti-vaccine’ and ‘recluse’ and opens up about her relationship with her mother

Daughter of Ana Maria Braga, Mariana Maffeis rejects the labels of ‘anti-vaccine’ and ‘recluse’ and opens up about her relationship with her mother
Daughter of Ana Maria Braga, Mariana Maffeis rejects the labels of ‘anti-vaccine’ and ‘recluse’ and opens up about her relationship with her mother

Beatriz Mizunoi Beatriz Mizuno – https://istoe.com.br/autor/beatriz-mizuno/

05/10/2024 – 7:00

The yoga teacher Mariana MaffeisfIsland of Ana Maria BragaIt is Commonly portrayed as a recluse, living far from fame. However, this perception is not correct, according to the presenter’s firstborn. In chat with This is PeopleMariana “debunked” myths and, without fear, spoke about recent controversial statements, her relationship with her mother, her natural lifestyle and other topics.

Mariana, 40 years old, lives on a farm in Botucatu, 230 km from São Paulo, with her children Joana, 13, Maria, 9, Varuna, 2, and Hima, 5 months old, as well as her husband, a Colombian Badarik González. The teacher studies and practices hatha yoga and sanatan dharma, practices that, in the context of science, techniques and modern socio-political processes, permeate the spiritual guidance given to life and human development.

On her Instagram, the teacher has 202 thousand followers. There, she shares glimpses of her daily life, talks to followers and records her children’s growth. This is, in fact, one of the reasons why Mariana denies that she is “away from the spotlight”.

“I live a life in which I have to pay attention to my children, because I chose to be with them. This is not choosing to be a recluse. There’s nowhere else for me to be, you know? If I were away from the spotlight, I wouldn’t have an Instagram account, I wouldn’t want to act in my own way, without being institutionalized under the umbrella of a company”, she argues.

‘Satanist agenda’ and the controversy with vaccines

In a recent outburst on Instagram, Mariana said she had received “many labels given by the most different lenses of the most different people”. The speech may be related to the fact that her social networks have received great engagement in recent times, especially after the teacher declared, in a comment that was later deleted, that she considers the mandatory Covid-19 vaccine for children to be a “satanist agenda”. Remember here.

In videos shared later, the yoga teacher declared that he is not against vaccines and does not intend to raise any political flag, which he reiterated during the interview.

“That word [‘agenda satanista’] It’s very unhappy, that’s why I deleted it [o comentário]. It’s not that I’m ashamed or regretful, but it can seem very simplistic to someone who comes across it for the first time. It really is an unfortunate term.”.

When asked about her position on vaccines in general, she responds that she feels comfortable having this conversation with followers only via private message. Regarding this, Mariana explains that she protects herself from such matters because she “is not on the front line”, in addition to preferring to avoid reprisals.

“I’m not a researcher, I’m not a biomedical doctor, so who am I to raise flags? I want more to talk about other subjects. And of course there is retaliation, everyone who has been saying things on the internet about this [vacinas] has suffered. Of course I want to preserve myself. I have four children here and I intend to keep our medical privacy active,” she declares.

‘My mother has talked more about natural birth with Gisele Bündchen than with me’

Recently, Ana Maria Braga expressed concern about her daughter’s lifestyle, as she gave birth to all four at home. “The conversation [com Mariana] sometimes it gets difficult. She has her arguments [sobre parto natural] and I mine, but it’s no use: she’s already 40 years old, it’s her life, the children are hers, it’s her responsibility”, said the presenter, in an interview with “Conversa com Bial”.

About this, Mariana says: “My mother continues to label [o parto natural] as a taboo because she may be out of date on the subject. When we are not living that, we are reduced to common thinking, which is still very manipulated. There is a manipulation to make us afraid of this moment, to think it is an emergency. AND She comes from a generation and lives a life that doesn’t allow her to have the perspective I have“.

“I can say that, perhaps, my mother talked more about natural birth with Gisele Bündchen, as she herself states, than with me — which I consider normal and super acceptable in a mother-daughter relationship. But the answer to that is that she witnessed my birth from beginning to end. At Varuna’s birth, she was present”, says Mariana.

Relationship with Ana Maria Braga

Despite differences of opinion inherent to the relationship between mother and daughter, Mariana guarantees that she gets along very well with her mother — and is very grateful to her.

“I don’t want to be right about my mother, on the contrary, I am very grateful to her. It’s thanks to her conscience, in some way, that I acquired mine, you know? Thanks to her upbringing, thanks to the opportunities she gave me, and continues to give me in life, I can do the things that I consider have had a great impact on my life, have given me energy. I feel young, I feel active, aware of things. I owe it to her”, he points out.

And he continues: “Thanks to her, I can be close to my children, too. Thanks to what she built for me, because she always made me a participant in everything. She has no disagreements, disagreements are normal between mother and daughter. Eventually, we need a little time from each other — it’s normal in any relationship.”

Globo ‘boycott’

Still talking about her relationship with her mother, Mariana explains that she understands why people believe that they both live apart: according to her, Rede Globo is a “super closed” company.

“We could go straight there, [agora] people can’t show up anymore, children can’t show up, there has to be a lot of authorization. Before it was normal, we showed up, we always made statements at Christmas, New Year, birthdays, and, suddenly, something was hidden. I think this ‘occult’ is due to the position of the company, its program and, consequently, also its social network”, explains Mariana.

“But I also see it, perhaps, as a bit of a boycott, because what I bring may seem like a conflict of interest in relation to a company like Globo and its sponsors. I understand that, and my relationship with my mother is far above that.”

‘Sold out’

Recently, Mariana also used social media to vent about the problems she has been facing. She expressed annoyance at having to justify her choice of a natural lifestyle and reflected: “My choices defined me, defending them even more so, because, by having to defend anything, the precious energy I had was already wasted. is destined.”

In the report, the teacher says that such comments did not come exclusively from internet users, but from people close to her.

“Social media creates a veil that makes people very quickly reveal what is on their minds. But I don’t feel so exhausted by them, it’s more about everyday life, with more personal factors, encounters and disagreements inherent to any family and society”, he concludes.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Daughter Ana Maria Braga Mariana Maffeis rejects labels antivaccine recluse opens relationship mother

