the consequences caused by the virus and care in SC


On March 12, 2020, the first case of Covid-19 in Santa Catarina. More than four years have passed, however, patients who were seriously affected by the virus continue to experience sequelae caused by the disease, such as muscle pain, memory problems and worsening of pre-existing pathologies, having to use medications permanently.

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In the State alone there were more than two million of people infected by the virus, according to data from the State Department of Health (SES). One of them was Márcio Fernando Kuchla, 48 years old. He, who works in the Information Technology area, contracted the virus on April 6, 2021. Since that day, his life has never been the same.

The lessons that the Covid-19 pandemic left for SC, four years after the first cases

— When I contracted the virus, I felt a lot of pain in the chest region, especially in the back. In the following weeks, after the most serious symptoms pass, a deficiency in concentration becomes noticeable. I noticed a difficulty in paying attention in meetings, especially those that lasted more than 30 minutes. The level of attention has drastically reduced — comments Márcio.

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But this was just the beginning of the problems he would have due to Covid-19. Soon after, other illnesses began to appear and directly affect Márcio’s life.

— Memory was also affected. Today, if I don’t write it down in a notepad, or record the agendas/meetings on the same day, a few hours later, I forget. To get into a meeting, I have to revisit documents and notes to avoid getting lost — he says.

What happens when coronavirus enters the human body

Noticing that something was wrong, Márcio decided to undergo a series of tests two months after contracting the virus, where he discovered some changes in the body.

Márcio’s fingers became so swollen that he was unable to wear his wedding ring (Photo: Reproduction, Personal Archive)

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— High cholesterol, glucose. During this period I had two more exams and out of nowhere my fingers started to hurt and become thick and hard, causing suspicion. Until I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. The doctor said that I may have been predisposed to do this, but that Covid may have accelerated the process – he reveals.

What the experts say

According to an article published in the North American magazine Jama (Journal of the American Medical Association), which is a global reference in research in the field of medicine, muscle pain was the fifth most frequent symptom during the acute phase of Covid infection, which corresponds to the disease while it is active in the body.

The article also showed that joint pain, such as in the knees, was identified as the third most frequent cause of symptoms that persist after the Covid-19 infection is cured, which is considered a sequelae.

According to orthopedic doctor Fernando Cury, the reason for the pain is not known for sure.

— For now, there are more theories and studies that cite hypotheses, but nothing has yet been very proven — says the doctor.

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He comments that some substances released by the virus can also cause post-covid pain.

— Covid-19 causes the release of substances that activate inflammation in our body. This can trigger or intensify painful processes that have inflammation as the cause of the pain. In this sense, diseases such as osteoarthritis, which cause a lot of inflammation of the joints, can worsen their symptoms — he adds.

Post-Covid Treatment in Santa Catarina

Just like Márcio, several people were affected by Covid-19. According to the Ministry of Health, there are no national estimates on the long-term impact of the disease.

Currently, in Santa Catarina, the majority of patients undergoing post-covid treatment are cared for by Primary Health Care, according to the State Department of Health (SES).

Reference services for more serious cases, in specialized care, are under the management of municipalities. But there is a portion of services in specialized care services for post-covid rehabilitation, which receive monthly funding from SES. They range from severe to moderate cases, and can be found in the following regions:

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Reference to Serra Catarinense

  • Managing municipality: Lages;
  • Location of service: University of Planalto Catarinense (UNIPLAC).

References for Midwest, Alto Uruguai Catarinense and Alto Vale do Rio do Peixe

  • Headquarters municipality: Joaçaba;
  • Location of service: University of the West of Santa Catarina (UNOESC).

Reference for the Far South and Carboniferous regions

  • Managing municipality: Criciúma;
  • Location of service: University of the Extremo Sul Catarinense (UNESC).

Reference of the regions of Foz do Rio Itajaí

  • Headquarters municipality: Itajaí;
  • Location of service: University of Vale do Itajaí (UNIVALI).

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In the Foz do Rio Itajaí region, in 2023 alone, around 40 patients were treated. Rehabilitation time in the program lasts from two to four months. Patients are seen, on average, two to three times a week.

The team is made up of a doctor, nurse, physiotherapist, physical educator, speech therapist, psychologist, nutritionist and social worker. This is the standard of professionals available in other institutions for the same type of care.

National data collection of post-covid patients

Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) indicate that 20% of infected people, regardless of the severity of the condition, develop post-covid conditions. To have a better and more accurate profile, the Ministry of Health decided to continue a survey in all states of Brazil to assess the consequences of Covid-19 in the population.

Entitled “Epicovid 2.0: National survey to assess the real dimension of the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil”, data collection should last between 15 and 20 days, as expected by the Ministry. The research will use information from 250 citizens from all over Brazil.

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In the previous phases of the research, carried out in 2020 and 2021, Epicovid-19 served to draw a portrait of the pandemic, which helped scientists and public health authorities to better understand the effects and spread of the coronavirus in the country.

Among the main conclusions, the study pointed out that the number of people infected at that time was three times greater than official data, with the poorest 20% having twice the risk of infection compared to the richest 20% of Brazilians.

Check out photos of the pandemic in SC

Florianópolis City Hall wants to expand vaccination against Covid-19 (Photo: Tiago Ghizoni, DC Archive)

Bivalent vaccine is now available to everyone over 12 years of age in the Capital (Photo: Tiago Ghizoni, DC Archive)

101,432 doses of the bivalent vaccine were administered in the capital of Santa Catarina (Photo: Tiago Ghizoni, DC Archive)

Immunization can be carried out in all Health Centers in the city with active vaccination rooms (Photo: Tiago Ghizoni, DC Archive)

If in doubt, call the Hello Health Floripafor the 0800 333 3233 (Photo: Tiago Ghizoni, DC Archive)

Márcio’s after-effects caused swelling on his hands and knees (Photo: Reproduction, Personal Archive)

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The article is in Portuguese

Tags: consequences caused virus care



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