Doctors are authorized to issue online prescriptions for controlled medicines to the population of RS

Doctors are authorized to issue online prescriptions for controlled medicines to the population of RS
Doctors are authorized to issue online prescriptions for controlled medicines to the population of RS

This Wednesday, the 8th, the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa), announced that doctors registered with the Regional Council of Medicine of Rio Grande do Sul (Cremers) are authorized, on a temporary basis, to provide online prescriptions for controlled-use medicines. , such as narcotics and psychotropic drugs, for the population of RS, which for two weeks has been experiencing one of its worst climate tragedies and limitations in relation to access to health services.

The process must be carried out through a digital platform created by the Brazilian Regional Medicine Councils in April 2020, during the coronavirus pandemic. Covid-19, and already has 5 million documents issued. Now, with the support of the State Secretary of Health, Arita Bergmann, Cremers has acted to promote the use of the tool, aiming to ensure greater ease of access for those who use controlled medications, in addition to controlling the prescription and traceability of dispensed medications.

Cremers’ digital tool can be used to help people who are in isolated areas or have difficult travel. In this way, those who need medications that could only be prescribed in blue and yellow prescription notifications, which include narcotics and psychotropic drugs, will be able to ask their doctors to prescribe the medications through the digital platform.

“The issuance of prescriptions for special control medications will mainly benefit those psychiatric and oncology patients who were affected by the floods,” declared the president of Cremers, Eduardo Neubarth Trindade, in a statement.

The tool is now available for use by doctors registered with Cremers in Rio Grande do Sul. To use it, simply access the ‘Medical Space’, on the site of the Regional Council. Soon, the issuance of digital prescriptions will also be available through the Medicine Council app.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Doctors authorized issue online prescriptions controlled medicines population

