Louveira faced 2 years of the Covid-19 pandemic with a series of investments to save lives

Louveira faced 2 years of the Covid-19 pandemic with a series of investments to save lives
Louveira faced 2 years of the Covid-19 pandemic with a series of investments to save lives

Louveira faced 2 years of the Covid-19 pandemic between 2020 and 2022 with a series of investments to reduce the impacts, saving lives and standing out throughout the region for the work carried out. An example of actions carried out is the creation of the Oxygen Plant, acquisition of High Flow Catheters, increase in beds, Field Hospital, delivery of Basic Food Baskets, financial support for commercials, Testing Center, disinfection in streets and public places, tests in children in Schools, the “Vaccine Against Hunger” Campaign, collective efforts for mass vaccination, among others.

High Flow Catheters are generally used in private hospitals due to the high cost, with Louveira being one of the few cities in the country that offered this equipment for treatments through the SUS. Unlike conventional catheters, which offer a flow of approximately 10 liters of oxygen per minute, the catheters could reach flows of up to 40 liters per minute at speeds of up to 215km/h and inspired oxygen fraction of up to 100%, parameters considered adequate in the treatment of more serious cases, but which could be adjusted according to each patient’s health condition.

In support of traders, Louveira was one of the few cities in Brazil that contributed financially to trade. In the municipality, each business received R$3,000.00.

The Oxygen Plant had a daily production capacity of 240 m3, which is equivalent to 24 10m3 cylinders. According to the Department of Health, the daily average used at the Field Hospital during the most critical periods was 21 cylinders, which is essential for treating serious cases of Covid-19.

Focusing on solidarity, Louveira carried out the “Vaccine Against Hunger” Campaign, which collected non-perishable food at vaccination stations against Covid-19, which was later distributed to families in need.

Louveira City Hall also delivered basic food baskets to families in need and registered with the Social Assistance Secretariat.

In addition to these highlights, the City Hall expanded hospitalization beds, created a Field Hospital, mass vaccination efforts, a Testing Center, tests on children in Municipal Schools, disinfection in the streets and public places, among others that made Louveira stand out at work. against Covid-19, saving thousands of lives.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Louveira faced years Covid19 pandemic series investments save lives

