Sitting for a long time can cause several health problems; see which ones

Sitting for a long time can cause several health problems; see which ones
Sitting for a long time can cause several health problems; see which ones

If you are reading this article sitting, whether at home or at work, this is a warning to get up a little, even if it is to drink water or stretch your legs. Remaining in the same position for a long time can cause serious health problems, including leading to a stroke. A study by the scientific journal Stroke, from the American Heart Association, revealed that sedentary people under the age of 60 who spend eight hours or more a day sitting are seven times more likely to suffer a stroke compared to those who exercise. and spend less than four hours in the same position.

Orthopedic doctor on the Spine Surgery team at Mater Dei Hospital, Marcelo Horta Petrillo points out the risks of remaining still for a long time, making minimal physical effort. “A sedentary lifestyle is a habit that harms blood circulation, metabolism and the release of inflammatory mediators. Sitting for more than eight hours a day and not having minimal daily exercise habits can contribute to an increased risk of stroke, thrombosis, osteoporosis, in addition to worsening muscular and cardiorespiratory quality as a whole”, he examines. The physical trainer of Sada Cruzeiro Vôlei and the Brazilian Women’s Volleyball Team, Fábio Correira, also says that “sitting can represent 34% of the cause of death due to cardiovascular reasons, in addition to increasing the likelihood of chronic diseases, such as elevated blood pressure and diabetes.”

Given this series of health problems caused by the practice, can we compare the habit of sitting for a long time with the habit of smoking? According to Correia, when it comes to sedentary behavior, the comparison can indeed exist. “But you can’t take it so hard and fast. An excessive sedentary lifestyle can cause death for individuals in a ratio of 190 for every 100 thousand. In the case of smokers, this ratio rises to 2 thousand people for every 100 thousand. Cigarettes bring an amount of more than 3 or 4 thousand substances that are harmful to health and carcinogenic to the body. So, it is a comparison much more associated with sedentary behavior,” he says.

The doctor agrees with the comparison and says he finds it interesting. “We have a classic phrase that ‘medicine is the science of transitory truths’, but we can say that smoking and a sedentary lifestyle bring great harm to health are absolute truths”, says the specialist, indicating the harmful effects of the habit. “Smoking and a sedentary lifestyle create problems in different ways. In the case of the second, there are short-term losses, such as worsening muscle quality, body aches, arthritis and worsening cardiovascular function”, he highlights.

Throughout life, problems can range from osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and worsening risk factors for heart attack and stroke, among others. “In the long term, sedentary patients also tend to be overweight and obese, progressive worsening of muscle quality, osteopenia, in addition to systemic diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes. This can turn into a snowball, as the patient with pain tends to become even more sedentary”, points out Perillo, who also works and is one of the owners of Clínica Integrale.

The practice of sitting for a long time is more associated with work, but it is necessary to be aware of the lack of mobility during leisure periods, according to Correia. “A person who sometimes spends ten hours a day sitting at work, when he gets home, ends up also resting sitting, using his cell phone, watching series. This also contributes to bad postures and health problems”, highlights the physical trainer.

Tips for moving

To avoid taking risks due to the habit of sitting for a long time, just follow some simple tips. The ideal is to get up from your chair every two hours of work. “This helps prevent pain and minimizes risk factors, as well as being good for joints, spine and circulation”, advises doctor Marcelo Horta Petrillo. During these breaks, the orthopedist points out that “the ideal is to optimize these periods.” “Use them to hydrate when going to a water fountain and prefer stairs when going up or down three floors”, he suggests.

The physical trainer, Fábio Correira, recommends doing some activities after sitting for a long time. “There is a very important exercise called trunk extension, precisely to compensate for this habit of sitting”, he explains. Perillo also recommends doing brief stretches. To do this, he gives some tips. “When stretching, try to mobilize the spine, arms, wrists, hips, knees and legs, covering the entire range of joint movement. If you have to, if possible, stretch while lying on a mat, because, in addition to being easier, elevating your legs helps improve leg swelling,” he suggests.

Furthermore, in your daily work routine, it is important to make ergonomic adjustments for those who spend many hours sitting. “Try to leave the computer at a height where your head is not bent. Also pay attention to maintaining lumbar spine support. Another important point is the position of the wrists for typing and using the mouse on the computer: they must be supported. Foot support is also important: the hips and knees must be close to 90 degrees and the feet supported and never hanging”, he says.

The doctor also asks for special attention for those who use personal computers without support. “Be careful with your notebook. It is practically impossible to have good posture using this computer without any support on the external keyboard. Also observe the proximity to the screen so as not to harm your vision or even require a bad posture for reading”, he explains.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Sitting long time health problems



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