Inspire #3: passage through ESP/CE makes technical advisor advance in Health Surveillance

Inspire #3: passage through ESP/CE makes technical advisor advance in Health Surveillance
Inspire #3: passage through ESP/CE makes technical advisor advance in Health Surveillance

May 2, 2024 – 11:03
esp health Sesa

“I usually say that the Ceará School of Public Health (ESP/CE) is really a school for those who really want to learn and become professionals.” The statement by the master in Health Management, Rosimary Barbosa, 38, is the direct representation of the role that the body assumes as a means of qualifying the workforce in the state’s Unified Health System (SUS).

Exactly a decade ago, she began her journey at the Ceará Health Department (Sesa). Her bond with the institution gained several nuances, being marked both by her work on projects in the area of ​​Health Surveillance and by her participation in training provided by the organization.

An exemplary trajectory that guides the third episode of the ESP/CE web series “Inspirar – Lives Transformed by Health Education”, this April.

Rosimary remembers that the journey was a way to improve each other in professional and personal fields. “For me, it was an enrichment. Here, I was able to work in Environmental Surveillance and Health Surveillance. In addition to coordinating basic, advanced training and postgraduate courses”, he recalls.

Technical consultant for the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), within the scope of Sesa’s Health Surveillance Coordination, and postgraduate student in the Specialization Course in Comprehensive Attention to Workers’ Health at ESP/CE, Rosimary reconciles the practice of working with academia.

Check out the interview

In what context did you start your career at ESP/CE?
A: I started working at the Ceará School of Public Health (ESP/CE) in 2014, when I passed a selection process to work at the Health Surveillance Center (Cevig). From then until 2020, which was the period in which I completed my time at the institution, I participated in several educational processes and this greatly benefited me, both in relation to my professional development in Health and on my personal side.

Why does ESP/CE have such a special meaning for your life?
A: For me, it was a remarkable experience, because I was able to experience the practical educational fields and also the more technical area of ​​Health Surveillance, from the course coordination, in addition to the research field, by being part of the Ethics and Research (CEP) from ESP/CE.

And in what context does Permanent Health Education appear in this journey?
A: I was able to work as a visiting professor between 2014 and 2023 and participate as a facilitator in some courses. During this process, I supervised course completion work for some specializations, I also participated in examination boards, both for specializations and for Health Residencies, and it was a great learning experience. And this also impacted my life, in the sense that I decided to seek to qualify more and more and try to do a master’s degree. Something that I was able to “get off the ground” by working precisely with the issue of Continuing Health Education.

What balance do you make of this bond established from your experiences at ESP/CE?
A: I can say that I left ESP/CE, but it didn’t leave me. Everything I was able to learn, I was able to take to the other places where I have worked in my professional journey. And, mainly, those involved in Continuing Health Education will generally be taking these learnings with them into their daily practice.

How do you perceive the appreciation of people practiced by ESP/CE and Saúde do Ceará in relation to workers?
A: This growth also extends, for me, to the personal area. In the period from 2017 to 2018, I became a mother. It was a radical change not only for the educational and productive processes, but for my maturation. And ESP/CE was an institution that welcomed me during this period, from pregnancy to the postpartum period. I received full assistance because it was a body that supported me a lot.

When you think about ESP/CE, what reflection comes to mind?
A: I believe it is an experience that I have brought with me and that has greatly elevated me as a professional and person. Being involved in these processes together with ESP has been a great maturity, mainly because we can work in multiple environments, which facilitates our improvement as professionals and on our human side. It was a fantastic experience and I take this little bit from teaching, academic life, the journey in Permanent Health Education in which I was able to start, outline and continue applying the teachings where I am working today. And all of this has greatly benefited my experience and improved my work environment.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Inspire passage ESPCE technical advisor advance Health Surveillance

