Does “dying of rage” exist? Understand how anger is a factor…

Does “dying of rage” exist? Understand how anger is a factor…
Does “dying of rage” exist? Understand how anger is a factor…

This unwanted emotion can also lead to illnesses like anxiety and depression. (Photo: Disclosure)

Learning to control your emotions can prevent illness! On a stressful day, when nothing seems to go right, feeling anger, frustration and sadness can be inevitable. But can exaggeration of negative emotions affect health? According to a study published on May 1st this year, in the Journal of The American Heart Association, even those quick expressions of anger can affect veins and arteries, that is, they harm the heart.

When a person’s blood vessels are exposed to anger, they become tense, disrupting the correct flow of blood. This unwanted emotion can also lead to illnesses like anxiety and depression. “Any tense or threatening situation that produces a change in the individual’s behavior and emotional state will generate a dysfunctional response and, then, can be considered the consequence of a weakened physical body favoring the emergence of various diseases”, explains the psychologist at Hapvida NotreDame Intermédica, Celiane Lopes.

During research by the American association, scientists also discovered that even the simple memory of moments of anger was enough to alter the blood circulation of participating volunteers. And do you know when you turn red with anger? This reaction also has a name in science: hyperemia, which happens because the blood circulates faster during anger, causing minor damage to the vessels.

The psychologist highlights that having excessive anger is, indeed, dangerous. “Our habits are strengthened through practice, and the angry reaction can be harmful if it becomes a frequent tendency and occurs excessively. Therefore, having psychological support is essential so that people can understand and control their negative emotions”, concludes Celiane.

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The article is in Portuguese

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