Difficulties in diagnosing lupus delay treatment – Health – SAPO.pt

Difficulties in diagnosing lupus delay treatment – Health – SAPO.pt
Difficulties in diagnosing lupus delay treatment – Health – SAPO.pt

Fatigue, fever, joint pain, skin manifestations and involvement of other organs such as the kidney, heart and at the hematological level are symptoms of lupus. However, it is not always easy to diagnose this pathology, which delays the start of treatment. “For reasons that are not yet completely known, the disease does not always have the same characteristics and the severity can be very different”, indicates José Alves, president of the Center for Studies of Autoimmune Diseases (NEDAI) of the Portuguese Society of Internal Medicine (SPMI).

In view of this scenario, the campaign “Not even with LUPA can you unravel the mystery” was launched, an initiative of the Association of Patients with Lupus, Portuguese League Against Rheumatic Diseases (LPCDR), Portuguese Association of General and Family Medicine (APMGF), Portuguese Society of Internal Medicine (SPMI), Portuguese Society of Nephrology (SPN), Portuguese Society of Rheumatology (SPR), National Pharmacy Association (ANF) and AstraZeneca.

As explained by António Vilar, president of the Portuguese Society of Rheumatology (SPR), it is “a multifactorial disease with systemic expression, that is, it can affect several organs and systems, meaning that the symptoms are very varied over time and of treatment.” The problem is that this delay contributes to wasting months or years of therapy that could prevent irreversible damage to organs, such as the kidneys, heart or lungs.

Added to this is the impact of the disease on personal and professional life, as highlighted by José Alves. “Most people with this disease can have very disabling symptoms and, therefore, have a major impact on their personal, social and professional lives.” Furthermore, he continues, “the financial aspects of abstaining from work due to limitations or incapacity and direct expenses for consultations, exams and medications” must be considered.

In Portugal, it is estimated that there are around 10,000 patients in Portugal, according to the SPR. Lupus affects more young women of childbearing age and the cause is unknown, although there is “a complex interaction” between genetic, environmental and hormonal factors that induce dysregulation of our immune system, with the production of antibodies that attack the organs.

The objective of the campaign is to raise awareness of the disease, so that there are a greater number of diagnoses, preferably at a timely stage, and so that patients and their families can be better supported.

As for healthcare professionals, they are advised to look at the latest recommendations from the European Alliance of Associations for RheumatologyEULAR, which aim for an individualized approach to the patient and frequent assessment with pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions.


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The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Difficulties diagnosing lupus delay treatment Health SAPO .pt

