Can’t eat sugar? See 5 natural substitutes

Can’t eat sugar? See 5 natural substitutes
Can’t eat sugar? See 5 natural substitutes

O sugar It is an ingredient widely used in cooking, especially in desserts and homemade dishes.

However, excessive consumption of refined sugar can be harmful to your health, contributing to problems such as obesity and diabetes.

Many common substitutes, such as artificial sweeteners, also raise concerns due to their industrial additives.

A healthier and more natural alternative is to replace refined sugar with natural sweeteners, free from harmful additives.

Although there are sweeteners such as stevia and xylitol, considered safe in some circumstances, the best options are truly natural sweeteners, which are nutritious and beneficial to the body.

Below, we list five of these sweeteners of natural origin that certainly won’t harm you. Check out!

1. Applesauce

Applesauce is an excellent alternative to refined sugar in many recipes. It adds natural sweetness and moisture to dishes.

Try substituting applesauce for sugar in baked goods like muffins and cakes.

In addition to sweetening, applesauce adds a smooth texture and mild flavor to recipes.

2. Coconut sugar

Coconut sugar is produced from the sap of coconut tree flowers. It is rich in minerals such as potassiummagnesium and iron, and has a lower glycemic index compared to refined sugar.

Use coconut sugar to sweeten hot drinks, such as coffee or tea, and also to make desserts such as cookies and energy bars.

3. Date

Dates are naturally sweet fruits full of fibers. They can be used as a natural sweetener in smoothies, homemade cereal bars or even salad dressings.

To use them in more elaborate recipes, simply remove the seeds and grind them until they form a paste that can be added as a sugar substitute.

4. Banana

Ripe bananas are a versatile option for natural sweetening.

Knead one banana and add it to muffins, pancakes or even homemade ice cream for a sweet touch and smooth texture.

5. Raisins

Our last tip is raisins, a naturally dried type of grape that is sweet and rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals.

Raisins can be chopped and mixed into granola, yogurt or used as a sweetener in homemade bread.

If you prefer, they can also be blended with a little water to make a natural syrup to sweeten drinks or desserts.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: eat sugar natural substitutes

