Proud to be a woman: the 7 unique characteristics of the female body


What few know is that there are peculiar characteristics that evolution has given women over time, such as a greater ability to smell smells or remember information and events.

1. They have less chance of heart problems

An interesting feature of the female body is that women have less risk of developing heart problems. The age at risk for them is almost 10 years older than that of men. One of the reasons for this would be the presence of estrogen, the hormone produced by the ovaries and which helps protect the arteries. Furthermore, the second X chromosome causes women to accumulate less fat in their organs, which also reduces the risks to heart function.

2. They have a stronger immune system

Women have a system immunological stronger. In other words, it can better fight disease-causing agents and speed up recovery. The female body tends to react better to vaccines and also adapts more easily, resulting in better immunity. Possible reasons for this would be hormones.

When we compare the flexibility of men and women, the latter tend to be naturally more flexible. They can move and move their bodies more easily, especially in the shoulders, hips and wrists.

4. They have greater satisfaction with life

Did you know that women tend to be more resilient and happy than men? It means they recover more quickly after a problem and still feel better about themselves. And one of the reasons for this would be the presence of hormones like estradiol and progesterone. Another possible cause would be the brain of them, who can process emotions better.

5. They get less tired and recover faster

Another interesting characteristic that evolution has given to women is the ability to recover more quickly from physical exertion and, in general, feel less tired.

6. They smell better

Women have a smell more accurate, since they have more cells in the area of brain responsible for perceiving and processing odors.
7. They have a better memory
To the hormones Female diseases affect the area of ​​the brain responsible for memory, making women better able to remember things. AND a fact confirmed by science that women can remember events and faces better, remember dates better and are still able to access to these memories more quickly and describe them using emotions.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Proud woman unique characteristics female body

