Daily exercise could be the key to a healthier life

Physical exercise is essential for well-being and physical and mental health. Studies show that intensity and frequency can have different effects in terms of results.
Hélder Lopes

Hélder Lopes 05/10/2024 08:00 7 min

The frequency with which we exercise is always related to the intensity of the training. In other words, if we try really hard one day, it’s possible that the next day we need to rest and won’t be able to exercise.

However, only when the intensity is very high is low frequency of exercise beneficial, according to a study presented in 2005 in JAMA Internal Medicine. Likewise, recent studies demonstrate that Prolonged exercise brings benefits to tissues, with substantial changes in their structure.

More exercise frequency and adapted intensity

Studies carried out in several institutions have demonstrated that high frequency in physical exercisewhether at moderate or high intensity, is always beneficial and produces changes in our physical stateimproving, among other things, blood lipids and maximum oxygen consumption.

It is also expected that for the rehabilitation of cardiac patientshigh frequency, that is, training daily, produce better results, especially at a psychological levelthan training a few times a week.

The same happens with adolescents and in controlling blood glucose and body composition in people with type 2 diabetes.

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On the other hand, It is known that to improve bone health, it is better to train daily than exercise at high intensity few times a week.

No less important, it was found that when moderate intensity and high frequency exercise is prescribed, there is better adherence than high intensity and low frequency exercise. Therefore, if research over several decades shows that it is good to train frequently, More recent studies demonstrate that the body’s response to exercise is much more significant.

Changes are possible in almost all tissues

More recently, a new study published in Nature, demonstrated other benefits of physical exercise, namely changes at the molecular level. Research, carried out in rats, shows that the body’s response to prolonged exercise is more complex.

The investigation, led by the MoTrPAC consortium, involved scientists from the Broad Institute, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University, as well as Stanford University and the US National Institutes of Health.

Scientists analyzed molecular changes in rats subjected to weeks of intense exercise, by studying 19 organs, including the heart, brain and lungs. They discovered that each of the organs changes with exercise, helping the body regulate the immune systemrespond to stress and control pathways related to inflammatory liver, heart and tissue diseases.

“This is the first whole-organism map that analyzes the effects of training on multiple organs,” highlights Steve Carr of the Broad Institute. “The resources obtained will be useful and have already yielded many potentially new biological insights for further exploration.”

The investigation also revealed differences by sex in several organs, mainly in the immunological response. Most of the immune signaling molecules unique to women showed changes in their levels between one and two weeks of training, while those from men showed differences between four and eight weeks.

To the surprise of scientists, the study also found an increase in the acetylation of mitochondrial proteins, involved in energy productionand a phosphorization signal that regulates energy storage, both in the liver and in the body, changes during exercise.

So what should we do?

The ideal is to adapt the intensity to our physical state, but always try to maintain a high training frequency, that is, moving every day or almost every day of the week. After all, regularity makes a difference to our body and health. That’s why, recommendations indicate that the more we can move (regardless of intensity), the better for the body.

Physical exercise is essential at any age and the more we can move, the better it will be for the body.

And the tips for exercising daily are diverse and we give you some information.:

  1. Start slowly and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts over time.
  2. Find activities that you enjoy and that fit into your lifestyle.
  3. Vary your workouts to avoid boredom and injuries.
  4. Set realistic goals and reward yourself for achieving them.
  5. Find a friend or training partner to stay motivated.

Anyway, It is important to consult a doctor before starting any exercise program.especially if you have any pre-existing medical conditions.

Why do our muscles feel sore after exercise?

Why do our muscles feel sore after exercise?

And remember that physical exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. By exercising daily, you can improve physical and mental health, reduce the risk of chronic diseases and live a longer, happier life.

News references

Duncan, GE, Anton, SD, Sydeman, SJ, Newton, RL, Corsica, JA, Durning, PE, … & Perri, MG (2005). Prescribing exercise at varied levels of intensity and frequency: a randomized trial. Archives of internal medicine, 165(20), 2362-2369.

MoTrPAC Study Group., Lead Analysts. & MoTrPAC Study Group. Temporal dynamics of the multi-omic response to endurance exercise training. Nature 629, 174–183 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-023-06877-w

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Daily exercise key healthier life

