Former footballer beats his mother with a screwdriver in the street – Portugal

Former footballer beats his mother with a screwdriver in the street – Portugal
Former footballer beats his mother with a screwdriver in the street – Portugal

“I’ll kill you”, repeated the son, while hitting his mother in the face. It was stopped by the people.

The ruling lists several violent episodes committed by the former federated football player, aged 26, towards his mother, aged 55. One of the times, on May 6, 2023, they argued in the street and the young man attacked her with several punches. Then, armed with a screwdriver, he struck her several times in the face, at the same time saying: “I’ll kill you.” The attacker only stopped after being grabbed by people on the street. He was immobilized on the ground and handed over to the GNR. He always resisted and to try to free himself, he kicked the soldiers and tried to bite one of them.

The young man, who played for several clubs in the district of Aveiro, including Beira-Mar, was considered a “differentiated athlete”, receiving “favorable opinion” and the “expectation of a promising career as a footballer”. Due to violence against his mother, he was in preventive detention. He has now been sentenced to 2 years and 2 months in prison, a suspended sentence, for offenses against qualified physical integrity and resistance and coercion against an employee. After reading, he was released by the panel of judges at the Court of Aveiro.

He also has to pay compensation of 322 euros to the hospital, where the mother was rescued after being beaten. He must also undergo treatment for alcohol and drugs, and must be followed by a doctor to “screen for risk factors at a psychological or psychiatric level”, say the judges.

On the day he beat his mother in the street, and after being arrested, the defendant continued with the threats. “I’m going to kill you”; “It doesn’t stay like this, f***, I’ll kill you.”

At the time, the defendant was free, but prohibited from approaching, at a distance of no less than 500 meters from his mother, being monitored by electronic means. But he did nothing and went frequently to his mother’s house, which triggered the alarm on the monitoring system. Until he was placed in jail, in July 2023, the victim began to live in terror and spent long periods locked up at home, afraid of his son.

Surveillance was compromised and there were no “minimum conditions”
The device the victim had was always beeping. The defendant even stopped charging the battery of the surveillance equipment, which meant that “it proved impossible to guarantee the protection of the victim, as she felt insecure, vulnerable, inside her own home”, says the ruling.

The monitoring teams then indicated that surveillance was compromised, with no “minimum conditions” to prevent approaches. On July 18th he was placed on preventive care.

Punished for driving twice without a license
In court, the defendant appeared to be cooperative and admitted to committing the facts proven. In 2019 he was sentenced to an 80-day fine, at a daily rate of 5 euros for driving without a valid license. In 2021 he was again convicted of driving without a license and dangerous driving of a vehicle. He had to pay a fine of 1170 euros and did community work for 179 hours.


The case indicates that the defendant had a traumatic childhood and adolescence, having been a victim of sexual abuse in 2009. The attacker had been playing football since he was 7 years old. Until he was 22 he remained active in the area. He had a career with four clubs.
“It caused the mother disgust, discomfort, fear, tension, restlessness and psychological trauma. She acted with the intention of hitting her mother, causing her stress and calling her names, such as cow”, indicates the ruling consulted by the CM.SCREAMS
It was proven that the defendant, despite not living with his mother, went to her room just to argue, “with shouting and aggression”, according to the ruling. The attacker’s brother, a minor under 15 years old, also lived in the house.

The ruling lists several violent episodes committed by the former federated football player, aged 26, towards his mother, aged 55. One of the times, on May 6, 2023, they argued in the street and the young man attacked her with several punches. Then, armed with a screwdriver, he struck her several times in the face, at the same time saying: “I’ll kill you.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: footballer beats mother screwdriver street Portugal

