Cristina Ferreira’s troubled end to her vacation – Ferver

Cristina Ferreira’s troubled end to her vacation – Ferver
Cristina Ferreira’s troubled end to her vacation – Ferver

After spending a few days in Miami, where she watched her boyfriend, João Monteiro, participate in the Miami Open, and taking a few days off with her friends Catarina Duarte and Rubinho on the Turks and Caicos Islands, Cristina Ferreira, who this Monday -Friday, March 25th, he returns to the presentation of ‘Dois à 10’, he experienced a troubled end to the holidays.

All because a storm affected travel in the region. Catarina shared the challenges she faced on Instagram: “Hello, Miami. It was difficult to get there. Airport closed since yesterday due to storm. Of course, our flight had to be delayed by several hours and it would be a very hectic journey.“.

Flights arriving in Miami from the Turks and Caicos Islands on Saturday faced delays. The flight that Cristina Ferreira was expected to board, scheduled to land at 3:49 pm, only arrived at 9:36 pm. This means that TVI’s Entertainment director was unable to catch the connection to Lisbon, which would leave at 5:20 pm. She had to wait for the next flight, which was only scheduled to arrive at 5:35 am on Monday, hours before her expected return to TVI. This week, Cristina will be alone on the morning program since Cláudio Ramos will be away for a week (between ‘Big Brother’ galas).

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: Cristina Ferreiras troubled vacation Ferver

