Young people encouraged the population to participate in the European elections

Young people encouraged the population to participate in the European elections
Young people encouraged the population to participate in the European elections

Around a dozen young people from the Amares Secondary School participated yesterday in a European rally, at the weekly Fair.
The event was organized by Europe Direct Minho, and aimed to raise awareness among the population of the importance of exercising their right to vote in the upcoming European elections on June 9th. The initiative also marked the beginning of the celebrations of Europe Day (9 May).
“This rally aimed to draw the attention of citizens to participate, in a conscious way, in the European elections. It seemed important to us to do this initiative to reach an age group and to inform people about the European elections”, said Alzira Costa, coordinator of Europe Direct Minho.
The official highlighted that although there is still a certain distance among citizens in relation to European affairs, people are increasingly making demands in terms of rights. “Citizens increasingly present these demands and the need to participate. What they often don’t understand is what effect their vote has on an institution in Brussels (European Union)”, added Alzira Costa.
It was up to young people from Escola Secundária de Amares to raise awareness among the population to go to the polls on June 9th, to choose Portuguese deputies to the European Parliament.
Carolina Lemos studies Humanities in the 10th year and considers it “a unique experience. We managed to be comfortable with people and know their opinion about the European elections”. The young woman indicated that “some people say they don’t want to vote and we try to counter that. It’s important that everyone votes.”
Professor Maria João Santos, from the European Club of the Amares School Group, explained that topics related to the European Union are covered in classes and attract the attention of students. “It is part of the program for some subjects to talk about the European Union and European citizenship. They like it and are very motivated”, said Maria João Santos.
Carlos Lopes, from the Unidos.EU project, said that “it is important to inform all age groups and focus on greater awareness among younger people, because they are the future of the European project.”
The initiative had the collaboration of the Amares City Council, through the Francisco Sá de Miranda Municipal Library. Anabela Costa, coordinator of the library, pointed out that the space has a “documentary center about Europe that we make available to people. We will periodically receive updated information about the European Union. It is, essentially, school students who seek us out the most.”

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: Young people encouraged population participate European elections

