Medieval Fair in Alcanede

Medieval Fair in Alcanede
Medieval Fair in Alcanede

On the 17th and 18th of May, from 4pm to 11pm, Vila de Alcanede hosts the Medieval Fair, an initiative organized by the D. Afonso Henriques School Group, in collaboration with the Alcanede Parish Council and the Santarém City Council.

During these two days, visitors can visit the medieval tavern and the street market. There will be music, dancing, fire shows and jugglers, traditional games, archery, friend and love songs, among other activities.

The Fair starts on the 17th (Friday), at 4pm, with a procession from Alcanede Castle to the center of the town. This historical recreation also includes, on the 17th, the reading of the Charter of Feira, granted by King D. Afonso Henriques to the place of Alcanede. On May 18th (Saturday), the reception and King’s Dinner will take place.

Visitors can also find various stalls with artisanal products, food and various merchandise, agricultural products and animals, which will allow everyone present to experience medieval commerce.

In live crafts and crafts, artisans will demonstrate their skills in manual work, with woodturning, weaving, ceramics and “scriptorium” – a workshop where visitors can try their hand at medieval calligraphy.

The Fair also has a museum space, where works created by students relating to medieval times can be seen and where historical documents from the town of Alcanede will be displayed, which are part of the Santarém Municipal Library Collection.

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: Medieval Fair Alcanede

