Police save bloodied man being attacked by woman in car

Police save bloodied man being attacked by woman in car
Police save bloodied man being attacked by woman in car

Last Saturday, May 4th, a patrol from the Cãmara de Lobos Traffic Police Station noticed cries for help coming from a vehicle stopped on the road. The police approached and saw a man, with part of his clothing torn and bloody, asking for help because he was being attacked by a woman.

The police immediately took the necessary measures to safeguard the physical integrity of the victim, a 39-year-old man. The suspect was promptly detained and subjected to the first judicial interrogation two days later. She was subject to a residence identity term.

A statement from the PSP of Madeira adds that the citizen is already complying with a coercive measure banning contacts through electronic surveillance, for committing the same crime, but in another case and against another victim.

“Domestic violence continues to be one of the crimes with a major impact on society”, reminds the PSP, which is why it “calls for the active participation of the community in preventing and reporting this type of violence, reporting to the police authorities all situations that indicate violent behavior” .

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: Police save bloodied man attacked woman car

