Municipality of Felgueiras publicizes investments made with “Prestar Contas”



On May 8th, at 8:30 pm, Felgueiras City Council began the transparency project created with the aim of making the population aware of where municipal investments are made in their parish.

The starting point was given at the headquarters of the Lordelo Parish Council, under the motto “Accountability in the parishes”. As part of this initiative, the president of the municipality, Nuno Fonseca, will travel to the 32 parishes to present the Municipal Action Plan planned for that area of ​​coverage.

According to information provided by the municipality, the visits will address issues related to the planned municipal investment, the transfers made, the contracts and support granted to parish councils and various associations. Investment options made in works carried out by the municipality and in partnership with other institutions will also be explained.

Nuno Fonseca highlights that, with this initiative, “intends to explain to the population, in a transparent way, where the money from the municipal budget is spent and clarify everyone about the priorities, or the options taken by the municipal executive, most of which are taken in conjunction with the parish executives”explains.

The mayor also highlights that the executive works “every day for people. We invest to create better conditions in our municipality, but we also risk thinking about a better guaranteed future. The purpose of public money is that it is invested to provide a better quality of life for people”he adds.

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: Municipality Felgueiras publicizes investments Prestar Contas

