Multidisciplinary team from Maternidade Alfredo da Costa will monitor high-risk pregnant women at home – Society

Multidisciplinary team from Maternidade Alfredo da Costa will monitor high-risk pregnant women at home – Society
Multidisciplinary team from Maternidade Alfredo da Costa will monitor high-risk pregnant women at home – Society

Pregnant women at risk of premature birth living in the Lisbon region can, from this Thursday, be monitored by a multidisciplinary team from Maternidade Alfredo da Costa, announced the Local Health Unit (ULS) São José.

The Multidisciplinary Obstetric Monitoring at Home project, the only one at national level, is aimed at pregnant women living in the metropolitan area of ​​Lisbon, with previous admission to the Maternal-Fetal Medicine Inpatient Unit (UIMMF) with the threat of preterm birth, after stabilization and clinical evaluation and with conditions to be transferred to the home context.

According to information provided to the Lusa agency, the creation of a multidisciplinary home hospitalization team for pregnant women makes it possible to reduce hospitalization time and associated costs, increase the number of beds, reduce multi-resistant hospital infections, reduce readmission and recurrence rates to hospital emergency

“The humanization of care is also valued, with a focus on the pregnant woman and her family, reducing the social, family and psychological impact of prolonged hospitalizations”, highlights ULS São José.

The president of the Board of Directors of ULS São José, Rosa Valente de Matos, states that it is “a pioneering and innovative project”, which allows, on the one hand, “to provide better health care to pregnant women, improving their quality of life, and, on the other, optimizing resources”.

“It is an excellent example of care centered on the patient, who is supported within her family”, highlights Rosa Valente de Matos.

The team is made up of specialist doctors and nurses, a social worker and a technical assistant, and the pregnant woman is guaranteed access to all specialties and complementary diagnostic and therapeutic means necessary for her therapeutic plan.

Through a multidisciplinary team, surveillance of pregnant women in home hospitalization is ensured, seven days a week, 24 hours a day.

During the week, a video consultation is held daily with the doctor and specialist nurse to assess the pregnant woman, and once a week there is a face-to-face visit.

“This remote surveillance, which allows the pregnant woman to be hospitalized outside the ULS São José facilities, is only possible thanks to the technical, scientific and human differentiation of the responsible team, combined with technological innovation that guarantees telemetric monitoring of maternal well-being and fetal”, says the institution.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Multidisciplinary team Maternidade Alfredo Costa monitor highrisk pregnant women home Society

