MIAT celebrates 4th anniversary with four activities in four days

MIAT celebrates 4th anniversary with four activities in four days
MIAT celebrates 4th anniversary with four activities in four days

The Industrial and Craft Textile Museum (MIAT) celebrates, on May 18th, its 4th anniversary and to celebrate the date it will develop four different activities over four days.

Three of the activities are free but all require prior registration, which must be completed by the day before by calling 925 986 502. The initiatives will take place at the museum’s facilities, in Mira de Aire.

The first activity, free, takes place this Thursday, the 16th, at 11 am, and will include a sheep shearing demonstration. The following day, at 3 pm, a guided tour will take place with former workers from the Vitória Carpet Factory, an equally free initiative.

The exact day of the birthday, May 18th, will be dedicated to children with the activity Come create your own loom. The initiative, with no associated costs, starts at 10:30 am and will have Rita na Lua as the trainer. Rita na Lua will also be responsible for the workshop which will take place the following day, Sunday.

O workshop Punch Needle with wool from the company Rosários 4 starts at 2:30 pm and costs 30 euros.

Photo | MIAT

The article is in Portuguese


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