Polytechnic students organize an event that will bring national names in the field of communication to Portalegre


“PR Paradigm in the Digital Era” is the theme debated in the 2nd edition of the Public Relations Open Day, organized by Journalism and Communication degree students from the Polytechnic of Portalegre. The event takes place during a day from 9am to 5pm, next Thursday, May 16th, at the Abílio Amiguinho Auditorium of the Escola Superior de Educação e Ciências Sociais (ESECS), and ends with a student party at Praça da República, in the Club Lounge.

With a diverse lineup, this year’s edition will be dedicated to Digital Communication and will feature the participation of professionals, students and those interested in the areas of public relations, journalism, marketing and strategic communication.

Gonçalo Azevedo Ferreira, former SIC Notícias journalist and founder of Global Take Over, will be one of the guests at the Public Relations Open Day and will talk about the importance of communication as a link in the business world. With emphasis on the panels “Building Digital Connections”, “Innovative Digital Strategies” and “Building a Digital Presence”, with the participation of other renowned experts and professionals, such as Bruno Batista, Chairman of the GCIMEDIA Group, Carolina Carepa, Digital Content Manager and Creator, Amélia Modesto, Influencer, Catarina Bugia, Digital Content Creator, and Inês Costa, Social Media Manager.

After the panels close, the Digital Sun Party will take place in the Club Lounge.

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: Polytechnic students organize event bring national names field communication Portalegre

