Mirror in the bedroom? No way. This and three other feng shui rules that we should never break – Wellness


First of all, the concept must be clarified: if a few years ago, Feng Shui was to move the furniture around, in order to have a flow more positive energy, we now know that this Philosophy doesn’t just apply to objects. Yuan Chen, founder of the Only Hearts school, where “I Ching, Feng Shui, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Nutrition and Well-being” are taught, explains, on his page, that “Feng Shui is an ancient oriental science. Many people associate it with decoration and the creation of welcoming spaces”. The expert states that Few know the true influence this practice has on our mental and physical health., in relationships with the people around us and in our well-being. According to Yuan Chen, the spaces we inhabit have an energetic potential which must be taken into account, “we must be aware of its existence and that we can influence it. We can create harmony between the different energies that circulate around us in order to achieve personal growth and well-being”. Thus, Feng Shui can help us choose a house, furniture, or even a business. These are Yuan Chen’s three golden rules for improving the energy of spaces and, consequently, our well-being.

The “bedroom/bathroom/kitchen” triangle

This is considered the “Trinity of Feng Shui”each of these spaces being very important for health and well-being.”A The worst location for the kitchen is when it faces the front doorbecause the kitchen is the first room to be seen”, explains Yuan. “Another bad place for the kitchen is in front of the bedroom or in front of the bathroom door. The kitchen is the space where the “fire” energy that feeds the house, where food is consumed, and therefore it is not advisable for the energy to circulate through the bathroom, associated with a decrease in energy and dirt.”

The tradition of mirrors

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Many people have a mirror in their bedroom – after all, where would they take their pictures? selfies from OOTD ? But, according to Yuan Chen, this is not recommended because These objects bring a power of scattered thoughts, which negatively affect our health and emotions. The Feng Shui expert advises you to position the mirror or in the bathroom or in the closet.

Television or computer in the room

Watching series in the comfort of your room, on a streaming platform, on television… it seems like a perfect night, but it can affect the energy of this room. It is known that Having screens in the bedroom is something that negatively influences the quality of sleep, especially because watching television and being on your cell phone before going to sleep is stimulating our brain instead of preparing it for hours of rest. Chen explains that “having a TV in the bedroom brings energy yang to the bedroom, functioning like mirrors, and, in addition to being a source of distraction, it can cause health problems”. Therefore, the expert recommends not having these objects in the bedroom, or covering them before going to sleep.

Excessive decoration that you don’t like

You might think that having a wide variety of objects that bring good energy spread around the house attracts good energy, but in fact, it can have the opposite effect. “Excess ends up getting in the way and leaving the energy disturbed,” says Yuan Chen. The expert also adds that less is more. Add some elements that you like and find essential, without going overboard.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Mirror bedroom feng shui rules break Wellness

