One of the surfers killed in Mexico had a wedding scheduled for August – World

One of the surfers killed in Mexico had a wedding scheduled for August – World
One of the surfers killed in Mexico had a wedding scheduled for August – World

Jack Carter Rhoad, 30, one of the surfers killed in Mexico, planned to marry his girlfriend Natalie Wiertz this summer.

According to the New York Postthe wedding was scheduled for August 17th and the woman had already celebrated her bachelorette party last month with friends in Florida.

The couple had also shared photos of the marriage proposal on social media.

“After the heartbreaking loss of Carter Rhoad, Callum Robinson and Jake Robinson, our hearts ache with sadness for their families, friends and community,” organizer Aubrey Byers wrote on Sunday’s GoFundMe.

Remember that the American traveled to Ensenada, in the state of Baja California, Mexico to surf with his Australian friend Callum Robinson and his brother Jack Robinson.

After news of their disappearance, the three bodies of the surfers were found with gunshot wounds in a well. The men were kidnapped and then killed.

The attackers intended to steal the vehicle’s tires, but the victims resisted, resulting in their deaths.

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: surfers killed Mexico wedding scheduled August World

