Lisbon Jewish Museum should be ready by the end of 2027


The future Jewish Museum of Lisbon, in Belém, should be completed by the end of 2027, said today the Councilor for Urban Planning of the Lisbon City Council, Joana Almeida, in a public session to present the project.

“Right now the architectural project is being approved, followed by part of the entire project to requalify the surroundings and then move on to the execution project phase and then two years of work. Therefore, here the entire project takes one year and the work takes two years. We would have a Museum completed by the end of 2027,” he stated at the end of the event.

The public presentation of the project, in Belém, follows the beginning of the public consultation for thirty days, which has been running since May 2nd.

The public debate on the construction project was approved by the municipality, unanimously, on February 22, considering its exception in compliance with the vision system provided for in the Municipal Master Plan (PDM) regulations.

The Jewish Museum of Lisbon is planned for land located between Avenida da India, Rua das Hortas and Rua da Praia de Pedrouço, in the parish of Belém.

According to the person responsible, currently there is still a need to resolve an exchange with one of the owners, which is Santa Casa de Lisboa, so that the land planned for the building becomes available.

The remainder of this land for the construction of the Museum belonged to private individuals and the exchange of private properties for municipal land was approved by the Municipal Assembly on March 19th.

This involved the exchange of a private property measuring 185 m2 (square metres) for municipal land measuring 774.28 m2, both on Rua da Praia de Pedrouços, in the parish of Belém, which also provides for the individual to pay the council 559 thousand euros for the difference in the area of ​​the property provided by the municipality.

In December 2020, the municipal executive, under the presidency of the PS, approved the construction of the Jewish Museum in Belém and the consequent revocation of the installation of the equipment in Alfama, a location that had been the target of protest from residents.

After more than three years, it is up to the executive led by Carlos Moedas (PSD) to continue with the work.

According to the proposal of the PSD/CDS-PP leadership, which governs without an absolute majority, the Jewish Museum intends to contribute to the “wide dissemination, in Portugal and in the world, of the importance of the Jewish community and its cultural expressions for the historical formation of the city of Lisbon and the Portuguese cultural identity”, forming part of one of the measures of the Major Options of the Plan for the City of Lisbon 2021|2025, namely Axis D – Affirming Lisbon as a Global City | City of Culture and Openness.

The proposed building for the Jewish Museum has an area of ​​2,000 m2 and “a construction area of ​​6,055.64 m2, developing in an east-west direction, with a continuous front of more than 50 meters, with approximately 80 meters” , and provides for the requalification of the surrounding area in terms of infrastructure and green spaces.

Project video image

The project, authored by Daniel Libeskindin collaboration with the architect Miguel Saraiva (Saraiva+Associados), has had, since October 2022, recognition of cultural interest by the Ministry of Culture.

Information about the Jewish Museum process and project can be found at


The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Lisbon Jewish Museum ready

