Peter Jackson and Andy Serkis prepare new films in the Lord of the Rings saga | Movie theater

Peter Jackson and Andy Serkis prepare new films in the Lord of the Rings saga | Movie theater
Peter Jackson and Andy Serkis prepare new films in the Lord of the Rings saga | Movie theater

There are new films in the saga Lord of the Rings on its way to theaters, Warner Bros. announced this Thursday. The studio will once again work with Peter Jackson, who directed the two 17-Oscar-winning trilogies set in Middle Earth, as well as with Andy Serkis, the actor who will also direct the first of two new projects to debut from 2026, Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for Gollum.

The announcement was made as part of the Warner Bros group’s quarterly results presentation. Discovery (which owns Warner studios, the HBO channel, the Max platform and the Discovery and Eurosport channels, among others). Warner’s plan is to bring together the winning team from the two trilogies that adapted the works of JRR Tolkien Lord of the Rings, The Two Towers It is The Return of the Kingas well as The Hobbit. Peter Jackson will be overseeing projects for New Line Cinema and Warner Bros, and his writing partners Fran Walsh and Philippa Boyens will write the script for the two upcoming films.

Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for Gollum is still a working title, but it allowed Serkis, a well-known composer and expert in groundwork, to “motion capture”, uttered in a statement the famous phrase “Yesssss, Precious”, forever glued to the hobbit corrupted in body and soul by the power of the power ring of Tolkien’s story.

Both projects are still “in the initial stage of developing the script”, said the president of Warner Bros. Discovery in the telephone call with investors that followed the presentation of the group’s results.

Bet on franchises of success seems to be an inexhaustible formula in Hollywood. Even in a time of redefinition when there is simultaneously plenty to choose from and plans to reduce the scale of production of some franchises. This week, Disney announced that it will make fewer Marvel films. Although the streaming Although Mickey Mouse’s house began to make a profit, in the cinema exhibition business the entertainment giant suffered losses that devalued its shares on the stock exchange.

Equally paradoxical or confusing is the fact that, on Amazon Prime Video, the most expensive series ever continues to go strong, precisely part of the “universe” Lord of the Ringswhich premieres its second season this year. Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power takes place in the Second Age of the universe created by Tolkien, “thousands of years before the events of The Hobbit it’s from Lord of the Rings”, according to Amazon. It mainly comes from appendices and loose writings outside the trilogy Lord of the Rings. Jackson’s projects for New Line and Warner are unrelated to Amazon.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Peter Jackson Andy Serkis prepare films Lord Rings saga Movie theater



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