81-year-old elderly man reunites with his 71-year-old brother after 45 years apart: ‘warms the heart’

81-year-old elderly man reunites with his 71-year-old brother after 45 years apart: ‘warms the heart’
81-year-old elderly man reunites with his 71-year-old brother after 45 years apart: ‘warms the heart’

After 45 years without seeing each other, two brothers from Mato Grosso finally met again after receiving support from the Civil Police. The two men lost contact almost five decades ago and were finally able to settle their longing this Thursday (9), at a police station in Barra do Garças, more than 500 kilometers from Cuiabá.

The process of reuniting the brothers began when Aeri Elias Barbosa, 81 years old, went to a police station in Barra do Garças asking for help to find her brother, Rubens Elias Barbosa, 71 years old. Ari lost contact with his youngest son more than 45 years ago and, since then, he has been trying to find him and satisfy his longing. The search was driven by a request made by the brothers’ mother shortly before she died, as the woman also had no news of her youngest son.

With the help of his daughter, Ari discovered that Rubens could be living in Barra do Garças. Based on the information passed on by the family, police chief Adriano Marcos Alencar’s team carried out investigations to determine the whereabouts of the elderly man, who was located in the São José neighborhood after a series of interviews with residents and tracking records.

After the discovery, the police organized a reunion between Ari and Rubens, which moved everyone present. Despite the few words, the warm embrace was punctuated by tears and a display of affection between the brothers, who gathered with other relatives to celebrate.

‘This reunion not only warmed the hearts of those who witnessed the special moment, but also served as a powerful reminder of the power of brotherly love and human perseverance. In a world often marked by separations and distances, this story reminds us of the importance of never giving up on those we love. Society can always count on support from the Civil Police’, commented delegate Adriano Marcos Alencar.

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Tags: #81yearold elderly man reunites #71yearold brother years warms heart

