Mafalda Castro talks about weight during pregnancy, nausea and other symptoms – News


Mafalda Castro is preparing to become a mother for the first time and has been sharing this new phase with her followers.

Also this Thursday, the TVI presenter gave fans space to ask her questions and addressed some topics about pregnancy.

Regarding weight during pregnancy, Mafalda Castro said: “I have no idea [do meu peso] I don’t even want to know. My focus is on eating when I’m hungry and nutritious, healthy food. I already spend my life with enormous pressure on my body, I don’t want to think about the same thing at this stage”.

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Furthermore, he said that he had nausea. “It passed after 12/13 weeks”, he said. But this was not the only symptom, although, she says, she was having a ‘calmer’ pregnancy.

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“Honestly, almost nothing [de sintomas neste último tempo de gravidez]. Just tired and swollen a few times a day in the ankles and hands. Otherwise I feel normal”.

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It should be remembered that the baby that is about to be born is the result of Mafalda Castro’s relationship with Rui Simões.

Read Also: Mafalda Castro: “Today is my favorite person’s day”

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Mafalda Castro talks weight pregnancy nausea symptoms News

