May 10th, World Lupus Day – Health –

May 10th, World Lupus Day – Health –
May 10th, World Lupus Day – Health –

World Lupus Day, which is celebrated on May 10th, is very important for raising awareness about lupus and providing care for people with lupus. This is an opportunity to talk about the psychosocial impact of the disease on patients and their families, as well as to debate the need to improve health services for early diagnosis and treatments. Furthermore, it intensifies the discussion of scientific studies on the real frequency of this disease, which affects more than five million people.

Over the years, I have tried, firstly, to accept that people only believe what they can see, despite lupus being an invisible disease. Every day I face new challenges with this disease, but the first step is to accept, believe and never stop dreaming.

Despite having a diagnosis that will stay with me for the rest of my life, I consider myself a happy and above all well-informed person. My lupus has taught me to be stronger every day, through all the lessons that the disease has taught me along my journey. He mainly taught me to stop and take time to think about myself. He made me slow down the busy pace of our daily lives, which often means we don’t even realize how to appreciate life and live it with the intensity we deserve. For this alone, it was worth being in the situation I am in today, as my lupus taught me to value myself and above all to love myself.

I will continue to give voice to awareness raising actions for all those with this disease, because I believe that only by transmitting information can people acquire the necessary knowledge. I believe that a patient has a very intervening role in their process.

Throughout this journey I had to find ways to be reborn and readapt, creating information tools so that today I can be an active member with lupus. I learned to see and appreciate the small things that life offers me as big things, like a simple flower in my hand.

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The article is in Portuguese

Tags: #10th World Lupus Day Health SAPO .pt

