Preventive detention for Guinean deputy detained in Lisbon with 13 kilograms of cocaine – News

Preventive detention for Guinean deputy detained in Lisbon with 13 kilograms of cocaine – News
Preventive detention for Guinean deputy detained in Lisbon with 13 kilograms of cocaine – News

According to the same source, the defendant was present for his first judicial interrogation at the Lisbon Criminal Instruction Court, which decreed the most serious measure of coercion: preventive detention.

The deputy of the Movement for Democratic Alternation (MADEM-G 15) Manuel Irénio Nascimento Lopes, aged 57, was detected on Tuesday at Humberto Delgado Airport, in Lisbon, after a flight by the Portuguese air carrier TAP from Bissau, with 13 kilos of cocaine hidden in luggage.

This is the second case of suspected drug trafficking by Guinean individuals detained at Lisbon airport in recent weeks.

Prosecutor Eduardo Mancanha, who was on leave to study in Portugal for more than three years, was arrested on April 21 “in flagrante delicto” in possession of two kilograms of a product presumed to be drugs, according to a statement from the Superior Council of Judiciary of the Guinean Public Ministry, issued on the 25th, in which his suspension from duties was announced.

The President of Guinea-Bissau, Umaro Sissoco Embaló, regretted Mancanha’s arrest, stressing that the case is being dealt with between the judiciaries of both countries.

The Guinean newspaper O Democrat states that deputy Manuel Irénio Lopes, known as “Manelinho”, is “a businessman who invests in the quarry sector” and also a political leader, being part of the 15 dissident deputies of the African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde (PAIGC), which, in 2015, created MADEM-G 15, the second largest political force in the country.

Manuel Lopes presided over the Football Federation of Guinea-Bissau for eight years, having been dismissed in 2020 by FIFA, after being found guilty of having “failed to protect the physical and mental integrity of a man victim of a mass attack”, and was prevented from maintaining links to the sport for ten years, adds the newspaper.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Preventive detention Guinean deputy detained Lisbon kilograms cocaine News

