Disciplinary Board dismisses Pinto da Costa’s appeal as unfounded – FC Porto

Disciplinary Board dismisses Pinto da Costa’s appeal as unfounded – FC Porto
Disciplinary Board dismisses Pinto da Costa’s appeal as unfounded – FC Porto

Decision will be passed to the TAD with the Central Administrative Court of the South to judge the precautionary measure

• Photo: FC Porto

O appeal presented by Pinto da Costa about the 35-day punishment that was imposed on him It was recently dismissed this Friday by the Disciplinary Council of the Portuguese Football Federation. At stake, remember, is the presence of the still president of Porto’s SAD in Jamor.

The decision was already expected, since it is normal for the Plenum to confirm the previous decision, so Pinto da Costa will now have to proceed with an appeal and respective precautionary measure to the Sports Arbitration Court (TAD).

According to Record has already written, given procedural needs, it is most likely that the decision on the precautionary measure, which will decide on the possible suspension of the execution of the punishment, will pass into the hands of the Central Administrative Court of the South, namely its president. It should be noted that the new president of this Court will be, from the 15th of this month, judge Catarina Almeida e Sousa.

By Record


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