Hi-Fi Rush will have physical editions even after Tango Gameworks closes

Hi-Fi Rush will have physical editions even after Tango Gameworks closes
Hi-Fi Rush will have physical editions even after Tango Gameworks closes

This week was marked by the closure of several Xbox studios, including Arkane Austin, Alpha Dog Studios and Tango Gameworks.

This led many internet users to deduce that the physical version of Hi-Fi Rush, the popular rhythm game from Tango Gameworks, might have been cancelled, but that is not the case.

On the official account of Limited Run Games (the company responsible for the physical edition of the game) on platform X, a user jokingly commented that they forgot to remove the post regarding the physical version.

“Have we forgotten? Unless we say otherwise, Hi-Fi Rush will move forward!” responded Limited Run Games.

Therefore, if you are interested in obtaining the physical version of the game, it seems that the closure of Tango will not affect the situation.

In our review of Hi-Fi Rush we said it is “A whimsical, musical hack and slash. Despite an inconsistent rhythm, HiFi Rush ends on a high note. Fun, challenging, and infectious.”

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Tags: HiFi Rush physical editions Tango Gameworks closes

