Have you received the news from WhatsApp yet? New design reaches everyone


It’s no secret that Meta has been preparing new features for the WhatsApp interface, with new colors. These have been tested and definitively presented. Now, after its formal launch, this change in WhatsApp is finally starting to reach everyone.


A new interface on WhatsApp

After several years with its green interface, WhatsApp decided to standardize its proposal and adopt a new color scheme for its interface. Over the course of months, these areas received visible changes that gradually managed to show the path that was being followed.

Now that it is ready, Meta has decided to extend its use to all users globally. This provides a color change and user interface improvements that will improve the experience from now on. As expected, this update is now available for Android and iOS users.

Meta bet on new colors

One of the first things you'll notice about WhatsApp is a new color scheme that matches the app's logo. We have a shade of green used in all areas of the app, together with other neutral colors. Additionally, the night mode has been changed, making it even darker than before.

They also modernized the look with new icons, and updated many of the illustrations present in the app, in addition to adding some animations. Attentive users will also notice that the default background image, the “doodle”, has also been changed and incorporates shapes that are more identifiable with WhatsApp.

Accessible for Android and iOS

One of the biggest changes to Android is the change to the navigation bar. This has now been moved to the bottom, giving easier access. iOS users will also see a change in the attachment layout, with a new expandable tray that will make it easier to attach videos, documents and more.

As happens so often, this new feature will reach users in the coming days. It all depends on updating to the latest version, which should now be available in the Android and iOS app stores. After that, all you have to do is explore the new WhatsApp interface that Meta has prepared.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: received news WhatsApp design reaches

