Xbox president gives vague answer about the closure of Tango Gameworks

Xbox president gives vague answer about the closure of Tango Gameworks
Xbox president gives vague answer about the closure of Tango Gameworks

The gaming world is still feeling the aftershocks of the closure of several Microsoft studios, something that caught many people off guard. The end of Tango Gameworks was particularly surprising, as they were responsible for Hi-Fi Rush, a highly successful game.

Recently, the president of Xbox, Sarah Band, was asked about the closure of a studio that created a very popular game, which was very successful on Game Pass and which won many awards, indicating that it was Hi-Fi Rush.

The interviewer, Dina Bass from Bloomberg, wanted to know if a successful product like this wouldn’t be enough to guarantee the future of a studio. Unfortunately, Bond’s response was extremely vague, not directly answering the question.

“You know, one of the things I really love about the games industry is that it’s a creative art form, and that means that the situation and successes of each game and studio are also really unique,” ​​says Bond.

“There is no one size fits all for us. And so we look at each studio, each game team, and we look at a wide variety of factors when we’re faced with decision-making and negotiations. But it all comes down to our long-term commitment to the games we create, the devices we build, the surfaces and making sure we’re preparing to deliver on our promises.”, he adds.

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Tags: Xbox president vague answer closure Tango Gameworks

