Forest fires cause 10 deaths in Chile and form a cloud of dark smoke | World

Forest fires cause 10 deaths in Chile and form a cloud of dark smoke | World
Forest fires cause 10 deaths in Chile and form a cloud of dark smoke | World

1 of 1 Forest fire in Chile hits area of ​​the Peñuelas National Reserve, near Valparaíso, on February 2, 2024. — Photo: Chilean Fire Department via Reuters
Forest fire in Chile hits area of ​​the Peñuelas National Reserve, near Valparaíso, on February 2, 2024. — Photo: Chilean Fire Department via Reuters

At least 10 people have died because of forest fires in Chile, according to country authorities. The regions of Valparaíso and Viña del Mar were covered by a cloud of dark smoke on Friday (2).

According to a report from the country’s National Disaster Prevention and Response Service (Senapred), Active forest fires covered an area of ​​35 hectares in the Valparaíso regionalso reaching the Lago Peñuelas National Reserve.

The fires even interrupted vehicle traffic on several highways in the area. Approximately nine regions in the area were evacuated.

In coordination with the National Forestry Corporation (Conaf) and the Regional Presidential Delegation of Valparaíso, Senapred declared red alert to the provinces of Marga Marga and Valparaíso on account of forest fires active since Thursday (1st).

According to Senapred, fire and police teams, air tankers and helicopters are in the area trying to control the flames.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Forest fires deaths Chile form cloud dark smoke World

