Residential rental prices rise 1.26% in January, triple inflation, shows FipeZap – News

Residential rental prices rise 1.26% in January, triple inflation, shows FipeZap – News
Residential rental prices rise 1.26% in January, triple inflation, shows FipeZap – News

High recorded in January was triple the IPCA
Rovena Rosa/Agência Brasil

The values ​​of residential rental contracts were, on average, 1.26% more expensive in January, according to the FipeZap Index, released this Tuesday (20). The result represents the third consecutive month of acceleration, after the increases in December (1%), November (0.85%) and October (0.70%).

January’s increase was triple the IPCA (Broad National Consumer Price Index), considered the country’s official inflation, which increased 0.42% in the month.

The average price of new rental contracts, calculated for the 25 cities, is R$43.11 per square meter. Considering this basis, renting a 50 square meter apartment costs, on average, R$2,155.50 — almost R$300 more than the previous year (R$1,856.50).

The most expensive city on the list is Barueri (SP), where rent costs, on average, R$59.65 per square meter. Next come São Paulo (R$52.10) and Florianópolis (SC) (R$50.34).

The municipalities with the most affordable prices are Pelotas (RS), with an average rent of R$ 17.28, São José do Rio Preto (SP), with R$ 22.41 and Ribeirão Preto (SP), R$ 23, 88.

See below the cities where rental prices rose the most in January:

• Brasília (DF): 3.26%
• Salvador (BA): 2.32%
• Curitiba (PR): 1.65%
• Recife (PE): 1.57%
• Rio de Janeiro (RJ): 1.31%
• Belo Horizonte (MG): 1.09%
• Florianópolis (SC): 1.09%
• Porto Alegre (RS): 0.97%
• São Paulo (SP): 0.89%
• Goiânia (GO): 0.86%

The most significant increases were observed among properties with one and three bedrooms (1.49%). Residential units with four or more bedrooms saw a smaller increase of 0.14%.

FipeZap tracks the behavior of rental prices in 25 Brazilian cities, based on advertisements published on the internet. In 21 of the 25 monitored municipalities there was a real increase in 2023. Fortaleza was the only capital where prices fell (-0.49%).

Accumulated over the last 12 months

In the last 12 months, the indicator rose 16.22%. All 25 cities that make up the index basket recorded an increase in residential rentals.

In this comparison, the index remained above the results accumulated by the IPCA (4.51%) and the IGP-M (National Price Index – Market), considering rent inflation, which stood at 3.32%.

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The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Residential rental prices rise January triple inflation shows FipeZap News

